Absolutely! I am on day 4 of my homeopathy remedy and I feel great, it's pretty unbelievable really. As I may have mentioned before, I have had pouchitis 24-7 for the last 20 years (no joke); only to get relief from cipro and then only for a few short days before it returned. The gas, diarrhea, and bloating is 95% gone, I can eat pretty much anything with no problems, and the ulcers no longer bleed. Sadly, I really had forgotten what it feels like to feel good, since pouchitis had become 'my normal'.
In addition to the remedy making a world of difference on my pouch, it has also helped with many other every day minor annoyances that I never knew were a 'thing'... like irritability, feeling very tired midway through my day, and my cold intolerance (I was cold when no one else was). The homeopath said these are all symptoms of the bacterial inbalance in my body which was causing the chronic pouchitis and also my seasonal sinus infections.
I am hopeful that my body will be able to sustain everything post remedy, but only time will tell. However, this has truly been a phenomenal experience for me thus far and would encourage others to try it. I found it very affordable, compared to traditional healthcare ($150.00 for the 3 hour consultation and $20.00 for the large remedy).
As far as for the kind of remedy, it is all based on your personal consultation with a homeopath. Here is how my experience has gone thus far. The homeopath sat with you for 2-3 hours while I chatted about everything there this is that is me. Following my consultation (approx. 2 weeks)they researched the data they have collected from me, as well as what they took away from our visit and then formulated the perfect remedy for me. Lastly, they sent it to a homeopathy pharmacy to prepare it for me. How the remedy is taken, first seems hocus pocus, but you can see how the steps change the remedy during the process. At first I figured, what do I have to loose, it'll either work or not work, so I played along. From here forward, after about 1-3 weeks on this remedy, I will have a follow-up session to discuss how it is working for me and so they can determine if the remedy needs to be modified or increased/decreased in any way. After some point, I will stop the remedy and only take in the event that the pouchitis returns. I have read that some have one or two relapses before it completely disappears. Something that happened with me is that there was a 2-3 hour 'cleansing' period in which everything pretty much went right through, however, after that is when I saw the outstanding results. I have read that this is normal, gets a smidge worse before better... forcing your body's immune system to kick in stronger to heal itself. Again, nothing that even came close to affecting my day, just a mild annoyance.
I hope this update answers some of your questions. Please feel free to ask me further questions as I know how hard this all can be.
I'm new at this site, so please forgive my delayed response.