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I have a K-pouch and get some mild to moderate pouchitis every 2 or 3 years. So, far it has cleared up with a round of Flagyl. My symptoms are fast, watery output that lasts for more than a couple of days. I have no pain or bleeding.

It's tough to say whether you have pouchitis. You could be scoped. They can usually tell by looking at the walls of the pouch which could just appear to be a bit red. Or, may bleed if poked a bit. Ask Sue Kay. She'll give you some good advice. Do you have a gastro doc near you who could scope you if necessary?
Pouchitis is kind of a grab-bag of symptoms from frequency to liquidy bowels to urgency with nothing coming out (or very little) to cramps on through...
Most of us get relief within days through flagyl or other antibiotics.
But not all of the symptoms mean pouchitis. It could be something that you ate (or that ate you!) like a bad meal (seafood, meat or chicken that was badly cooked or not fresh enough), a food alergy or just a bug or indigestion.
If it lasts past 5 days then I would look into it with your doc but if it is 2-4 days I would wait it out.
Stick to lots of fluids to replenish yourself, soups, tea and juice and avoid all milk products, irritants (hot sauce, pepper, acidy things) and meats. Give your body a couple of days to clear out and heal itself before worrying too much.

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