Hello - since Friday I can barely pass gas. I only pass gas during a bowel movement and every time I go either I pass no gas or very little. I do pass stool though. I feel so bloated. Not nauseous, have an appetite, no pain….. it’s just very uncomfortable. Seeing the colorectal doctor in the morning but has anyone ever experienced this? I tried carbonated drinks and knees to the chest - nothing
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Have you tried inverting? Lying on your right side? Abdominal massage?
Lying on my right side after passing a stool almost always works for me.
After getting scoped looks like mild pouchitis
Glad it is just mild. What treatment did they prescribe? What did they recommend for the gas issue?
He’s waiting on the biopsies to come back to confirm. It’ll be cipro and flagyl. First time in 19 years since having the pouch this has happened. I knew it would get me at some point
That sucks! I wonder when it will get me? I have had the pouch for almost 21 years. The surgery caused a lot of digestive issues (including the occasional kink/partial blockage)/sensitivity and of course the sore or itchy butthole from this or that, but I have never been diagnosed yet with pouchitis. Knock on wood!