Hey folks,
I am just wondering if any of you have developed arthritis since having your pouch constructed or diverted? I have a diverted pouch, and have in the last year developed quite bad joint pain/ arthritis - my colorectal surgeon thinks this is likely caused my my pouchitis/ diversion colitis/ inflammation in the pouch. So I am back on the same old UC meds again (prednisone / sulfasalazine)
I am considering having the pouch removed this year, and hoping that this will also help reduce the inflammation in the joints. Has anyone experienced or heard of a similar thing?
I found one medical case report where pouch removal has led to rapid recovery from the arthritis: http://journals.lww.com/eurojg...a_case_report.4.aspx
This is another report linking arthritis to pouchitis -http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049017201472453