I'm 5 mo pregnant and have had blood in my stool. Not even close to what it was like when I had colitis at its worst, but enough to notice it on the toilet paper and streaked in the stool. I called my gastro yesterday and left a message. I don't know it it's pouchitis. I'm on Cimzia for my arthritis and he said that Cimzia (like Humera) would help prevent pouchitis. Sooo, I'm not sure why it might be flaring right now.
I've also had pretty strong stomach pain and cramping, which I thought was due to the baby and my growing belly. One day I thought it was so bad I wasn't sure if I could make it to work, and considered going to the ER, but it passed. I guess what I'm wondering is if my stomach pain is attributed to the possible pouchitis. No fever. I have been vomiting here and there, had a lack of appetite, gassy and have been able to eat less at one sitting, but thought that was attributed to my growing belly. Anyhow, just wondering if ya'll might think it's pouchitis. Never had it before. And, I don't think they can do a scope to see if it's inflamed since I'm expecting. Any thoughts? Also, if it is pouchitis, do you think I'd be limited in my treatment bc of the baby and the few medications I'm allowed to take?