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Hello all,

I've been having a hell of a time with my health and (big surprise) the Dr's can't (or won't?) figure out what's wrong.

I've had my pouch since November 2011. Things were great for the first while, then I developed this pain in my lower left pelvic area, it comes and goes with bowel movements. I can't sleep longer than 2 hours at a time woken up with pain and urgency, blood in my stool, etc. My Dr. says the location of the pain coincides with the top end of my pelvic pouch.

Had a pelvic ultrasound - is clear, had a sigmoidoscopy last Friday, Doc says it shows extensive inflammation all around my pouch, took 8 biopsies and put me on a 3 week taper of Flagyll (1000mg/day for 1 week, then 500 then 250) go back to see the surgeon in May.

Now the big problem I'm having is that I've had a migraine headache every single bloody day for almost 4 weeks. I asked my surgeon if the headache is related to the pouchitis and he said.... are you ready for this? "I don't do headaches, go see your GP" seriously? a$$hole. thanks for your (lack of) help! Did I mention this is the second round of antibiotics since the beginning of March?

Migraine: Been to GP 4 times, emergency room twice -- Bloodwork clear, CT scan clear, plethora of meds, only stuff that works to relieve the pain is anti-inflammatories, aka NSAID'S, mm yes no problem, take one pill to clear up one problem and cause another. i.e. NSAIDS cause intestinal bleeding. Emergency room keeps giving me shots of Toradol in the rear end and sending me home. Toradol=NSAID, once the meds wear off migraine is back to square one. Pounding away. Unrelenting.

So anywho, I'm going a little nuts, awful pain in my insides, horrible pain in my head, and having to wait weeks between appointments to see any of my physicians. GP, referral to a neurologist for June (thanks for the expedited service) surgeon, etc. I'm thinking of calling up my GP and getting a referral back to my old GI, he was great, but they took me off the GI list after surgery, because of course, surgery is the "cure" for Ulcerative Colitis! I'M CURED!! (yeah right)

But since the CT, ultrasound and blookwork are all clear, no fever, no abdominal swelling, no weight loss/dehyration (I'm very careful to eat properly and take vitamins and drink electrolyte beverages) none of my Dr's are taking me seriously enough to take any extra time out of their busy patient filled days to Dr. House me a solid diagnoses for my medical woes.

So I'm frustrated, as I'm sure you can tell, and short of stopping eating and drinking for two days to get their attention I'm not sure what exactly to do next.

Any suggestions?
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All I can say is that the only time I experienced migraines was when I was dehydrated. I never knew I was dehydrated at the time because I was never thirsty. It wasn't until I visited my GP that she suggested drinking more fluids. Sure enough that worked.

Hopefully it is something simple like that for you too.
A couple of thought that might help you sort this out:
1) The headaches may or may not be connected to the pouchitis, but it's very valuable to know for sure. Is this your first time having these headaches? Did the onset seem to coincide with the pouchitis? Have you had pouchitis before? I like TinCan's idea of making sure you're well hydrated.
2) When you call these "migraines," do you just mean "bad headache," or are you sure these are migraines? Migraine is a very specific kind of headache, often associated with strange visual (and other) symptoms. The proper handling of a true migraine is quite different from a non-migraine headache, regardless of severity and persistence.

Good luck - I hope you feel better soon!
also have your iron levels been checked recently. I have found that I get many more migraines when my iron stores are depleted. And in fact, I use that now as a sign to get my levels checked, and then get some iron infusions.

And if all of that is ok, and you determine that these are truly migraines as scott mentions.. have your docs tried any of the triptan drugs like imitrex? Ones you take right at the start of the migraine.. like when the "aura" starts.
My Dr. wrote me off work (office work) for a few weeks and advised me to avoid eye strain and stimulating environments so I've been living in the dark for a few days now and the head pain is downgraded from migraine to headache but it's teetering on the edge. I've also started having acupuncture treatments.

- The pain is located on the left side of my head from the top of my teeth over to the top of my head, sensitivity to light and sound, resistant to most meds aside from NSAID's, they had me on Eletriptan (Relpax) which didn't help at all, found these 2x220's they are called, aspirin/codeine/caffeine combo that work wonders so surviving on that right now

- I'm a gatorade junkie, I drink G2 by the caseful from Costco, I drink a lot of herbal tea, smoothies, and water, I can easily tell when I am dehydrated

- Iron- I'm on Feramax, has my blood levels checked at the hospital all ok

- This is the first time I've ever in my life had a headache that didn't go away after 1 week

- The pouchitis started before December, I quit smoking in January and it's gotten worse everyday since. I'm seriously considering whether I should have a few puffs or not. Headache started 3rd week of February, Migraine status mid-March

And yes now I am still on the Flagyl, I'm in the middle of a 3 week taper at the moment. Overall health just sucks, going to the bathroom like 15x/day, so tired and worn out, feels like Colitis all over again. Frowner
I hope by now that you are feeling better. I have had migraines for many decades. I cannot take Flagyl because I ended up with migraines that did not respond to any treatment. My normal migraine treatment is sumatriptan, Benadryl, and Vicodin. I lose the vision in my left eye during a migraine become nauseous and extremely sensitive to light and sound. A headache is just very painful. During bad pouchitis episodes I take 1200 mg of Xifaxin a day. It is an extremely high dose but works very fast without migraines or headaches.

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