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So I'm new to the J-pouch group and I'm really happy to finally be able to talk with other people who have a pouch. I got my pouch in 08', this is the 3rd time I've had pouchitis, each time seems to get worse. One time resulted in surgery for stenosis (swelling around the opening of the pouch) and this time I have fishers (have been extremely painful). Right after this round of pouchitis I got hit with the ful which has been hard on my pouch. Does anyone have any advice to keep pouchitis away? 

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I have the same issues as you.  Along with prior suggestions, increase your water intake, avoid alcohol and sugars and  processed foods.  This helps keep my pouchitis under control. Reduce. stress too when you can  

I am curious as to what surgery they performed for your swelling.  I have chronic, painful fissures and they go dormant until pouchitis acts up.  I also have narrowing of the anal canal due to this and a chronic stricture  at my pouch outlet.  I'm having pouch advancement surgery for these issues  


Hi Jeane, my gastrointestinal surgeon dilated the swollen tissue he called it stenosis and the area a stricture (like what you described) It was a same day surgical procedure an a out patient facility. I haven't had any problems with leakage of bowel control (other normal with a pouch anyway). Thank you for the advice, I rarely drink alcohol (special times) but I will cut do the sugar. This is the first time I've had fishers and they are really awful, I have this compound ointment from the pharmacy for it, it helps a little bit but they still hurt. 

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