Lauren, please stop repeating this nonsense as though it were established fact. There isn’t a shred of evidence that delaying bathroom trips has any connection to pouchitis.
Scott F: I do no think you are a nice person and that is why I do not respond to you but since in the past you kept posting on on what ever I post, I am going to put an end to it by posting info here, after this I am not going to respond to you anymore because I was tired of your rudeness in the past and I am tired of it now.
First website: talks about how holding poop in a colon cause infections
Second website talks about how holding in pee cause infections.
Hypothesis: if its bad to holds stuff in a colon and if its bad to hold stuff in a bladder, I do not see how a J-pouch would be any different than those two things. I am almost 10 years out and I do not hold my poop in and I have never had pouchitis. I saw posts how you hold your poop in and you have chronic pouchitis. And I have talked to other people on here that poop as much if not more than how much I poop and they never had pouchitis either.
After this, I have no interest in corresponding to your rudeness. You cannot control what I post. I have shared my thoughts with other people on here and they agree too. You can disagree but doing it rudely is unacceptable, that is why will not respond anymore to your rudeness.