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Hi, I'm new here. Dx'd w/UC one month after I had my daughter, 12/2001. On steroids x 1 year w/no remission. Had initial surgery 1/2003 w/takedown in 3/2003. Struggled w/pouchitis quite a bit at first but have done pretty well the past few years. Recently noticed I was feeling more "protuberant" in my RLQ, extending almost into RUQ. For those who have been pregnant, felt like gravid (pregnant) uterus lyng sideways. Never have pain/cramping/etc there, even when I have had pouchitis. Periods have worsened pain-wise over past year. My gyn said my uterus is moved to the left, which is fine, but why? So I had an US today. The poor sonographer kept asking me, post-void, if I had really voided, b/c she could see what she called a "fluid pouch" (the J-pouch), with my uterus compressed btwn it and my bladder, and my bladder hadn't completely emptied, even though I thought it had, when I went to the bathroom. Obviously, displaced abd organs are also compressing/obstructing urine outflow. So - as a nurse - my immediate questions are: 1) wondering if I will need some type of revision of pouch? or 2) possible mesh for reposition of bowel back behind uterus?
If anyone has had any experience like this, please post! Smiler I'm thinking I won't hear from my doc till next week b/c of the holiday.
The thought of surgery of any kind is slightly terrifying b/c I have had so much trouble w/pain control in the past.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks! Smiler Brenda
Original Post
I had my organs drop and pull my pouch down with them in the 90's...seems that a lot of abdominal surgery is not good for the abdominal muscles. After a lot of discomfort in the whole region I ended up having surgery and they 'built a shelf' to put my organs on (had imagies of tiny Ikea shelvig units with my uterus, pouch, bladder etc lined up on them)...The surgery was major but the recovery was quick and I only realised after it how much pain I had really been in.
Your Gyn and Pouch surgeon should really get together and make a plan for you. They need to be working on this as a team.
Hope you can get some good answers to this

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