I also got over the c.diff which was bad because I'd waited until my year to have anything looked at, that took me Flagyl off an on 8 months. I didn't get my IPS under control until a few months ago. It baffles me why I need to go on antibiotics sometimes to get it under control but I do. Once I started using prescription Imodium, Loperamide, like my GI told me to and changed my diet, on my own, to a softer one with less red meat I've been doing better. It's just been a 3 year observation of what works and what doesn't. I don't miss foods that make me feel bad. I don't crave greasy or spicy foods and I loved spicy foods before. It looks like I am one of those 3 year people. I still have adhesion daily pain, still have to treat daily for cuffitis or I will get a flare and have to be careful to avoid IPS problems but I've come a long way. 6 months ago I was considering pouch advancement surgery. 12/29 is the 3rd anniversary of my take down.
Cuffitis is horrible and and I don't know how jeanne has been able to stand the pain that sounds so much worse for so long. I hope you all find relief. I heard the other day that the anus or cuff or whatever in that area is one of the most sensitive in the body. I believe it as I can not believe how UC in 1-2 cm of cuff can be so painful, it's like the size of a quarter but hurts like hell! Then I see, if that are is messed with in pouch advancement surgery how we might be incontinent.