My son is 1 month post takedown & we are at our wits end.
He had UC for about 6 months, became severely malnutritioned quickly & a total colectimy in 2/2013. He had J pouch in June & reversal in December.
He is going to the bathroom several times a day. Poop is a little loose but he has to STRAIN to get it out. He has terrible, severe pain after going to the bathroom. He has about 1.5 inches up his anal area that is very irritated and swollen. He got hydrocortisone suppositories Monday but they have not helped much.
He has resorted to broth, a little yogurt to take pain meds & a little rice & chicken, but now he is down to 150 lbs & he us 6' 1".
He spent Sat night in the ER & they gave him Flagyl (but not sure if he has pouch itus---they really had no idea what to do & said it looked like a UC flare). They did a ct scan & said no blockage---just swollen & irritated.
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