Just after my takedown, I experienced similar: excruciating pain, so much so I was scared to eat, so I didn't.
I experienced a weird sensation, which was not quite like the urge to push but felt like my anal muscle was relaxing, thus, nearly a loss of control and many dashes to the toilet. I also had the sensation I was attempting to pass a golf ball size object but nothing of the sort came out, just an output with a consistency of porridge.
Due to the frequent toilet visits and wiping I also developed a diaper rash.
However, I believe my excruciating pain and the urge to pass the golf ball was caused by anal fissures; possibly due to dilation of the anal canal during takedown surgery.
I managed the fissures by applying a small pea size amount of ilex paste onto the tip of my finger and I applied it just slightly to the inside of the sphincter, which provided instant relief.
I also applied the ilex to the area affected by the diaper rash.
Applying the ilex paste into the sphincter after every BM made all the difference and within 3 to 4 days my internal pain and the diaper rash had gone.
However, it is stated on the tube of ilex paste " For External Use Only"
I discovered the ilex paste when I had my loop ileostomy; the skin around my Stoma was red raw and oozing but once I smeared the ilex paste over it, once again, I felt instant relief and within 3 days the skin had completely healed.
Therefore, if it can be applied to red raw, broken, bleeding and oozing skin around my Stoma, used to treat the most severe form of diaper rash, I can't see why it can't be applied just to the inside of the anal sphincter.
Prior to applying the ilex paste I had applied every cream, powder, potion and concoction my Stoma Nurse provided and nothing worked.