I had total knee replacement on May 30 and was in the hospital for 2 nights. They used a cathetar that was in for two days. Ever since the surgery, I have had gas rumbling around and total liquid stool. I also have pain in my stomach -as in it hurts to lean on the counter and the rumbling gas hurts as well. I am talking screaming pain, but it is there. It feels like an internal bruise. My biggest concern is c-diff. Any suggestions? I will call my j-pouch doc on Monday.
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It could be C. diff, and a hospital is a great place to get it, but it could also just be the physical aftermath of surgery. I hope you meant you're *not* talking screaming pain, and I hope your body sorts itself out by the time you speak to your doctor.
Thanks, Scott, for replying. Yes, I did mean I am *not* in screaming pain - the brain is still fuzzy from surgery.
The body does seem to be sorting things out. I finally decided I had a bit of a blockage due to decreased motility and gave myself an enema. That got things moving and the stool has been more solid since. The tummy still hurts in a band across the top but I think that is just residual from the blockage. Right after the enema, I could feel gas moving more freely and figured things would improve. They have.
The funny/ scary thing about surgery and j-pouchers is how little health care workers know about us. Only one of my nurses in two nurses in two and1/2 days had even heard of it. I have pretty successfully managed my own pouch for 14 years by talking to you guys, working with my doc and just experimenting, so I am used to being able to decide what to do and doing it. At one point, I knew I could use an enema so asked for one. Of course, they had to order it and asked me what one I usually use. I told them warm water or Fleets. So when the order came up, it was for a mineral oil enema. There was no way I wanted an oily rear end to clean while I was having trouble even sitting on the toilet ( I told them I would do the enema.) so, the enema didn't happen because I realized they were caring but clueless. Just the effort to explain at that moment was not one I had the energy to give. Next time, I bring my own enemas.