I have had a j pouch for 8 years, I've never experienced any obstructions or pouchitis to my knowledge. About a week ago I ate something that really didnt' sit well, but no big deal it happens from time to time.
Since then though, I feel like I am having a hard time pushing out a bowel movement. I don't strain normally but just the regular pushing that is involved to poop. It doesn't feel painful when I try to push, it feels like I just physically can't. Because of this (?) I am going to the washroom more and getting up constantly at night because as soon as I go and can't I get up and gravity takes over and there is a bit more. My consistency is quite watery and not very much. I was taking metamucil and oatmeal this week but stopped today as I realized that may not be helping if it is a blockage. It also feels like my butt is going to fall out, I don't know how to explain it, like it I were to do kegals I wouldn't be able to hold it.
I don't know what to do, something is off I know but I dont' know what. Can anyone help me? How long can a blockage remain? I've been drinking lots the last couple days and stil no change.