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Hi, my name is Leslie. Anyone who can answer please do? I have a j-pouch and have had it for 5+ years now. My struggle is constant pouchitis  is what Dr. Shen and Anne Feldman are saying. Anyway I called their office explaining my symptoms, which were weight loss, constant feeling of having to go to the bathroom ( then when I go not a whole lot comes out)

Anne will tell me well we have to check for c-diff first. let me tell you I have been tested several times and its always negative. The last time this happened I went for a scope for possible pouchitis  and never came home during the scope it did not show any infection nor my blood work. I was admitted then for malnutrition. Also the doctor explained that at times the infection doesn't ever show up but I was then treated with IV medication, because I do have trouble absorbing. I do not have my entire small intestine because of past ubstructions  some had to be removed!

I do not want to go to the hospital again I am so sick of being hospitalized, and feel awful about putting all this on my husband and my mom just recently retired as an RN and will be celebrating by vising Africa for two weeks. I would feel awful if she canceled her trip because of me. I'm a grown adult but sometimes she acts as if I am a teen still and I'm NOT! 

Is there any natural remedies to get rid of pouchitis? Can I get some advice on what I should do? I know its the weekend and all I could do is go to the ER but I just do NOT want too?? help please

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