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I have been having some increased pain in the bladder area when I push to go to the bathroom lately. It is almost like a pressing, soar type of pain and if I try and push harder the pain increases in that area...I am just wondering if its possible my j pouch can be pushing against my bladder some how?
The pain can't be from pouchitis because I am on keflex and cipro and have been for a couple months now...
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This is a possibility. The pouch and bladder are situated very close together anatomically. If one is very full, it can put pressure on the other. I've always found it more uncomfortable to "hold it" when my bladder is also full. There have also been some documented cases (though rare) of the pouch adhering to the bladder, but I'd look for the simplest explanation before I'd go jumping to worst case scenario.

On that note, you should always look for the most likely explanation first. Your symptoms are suggestive of a urinary tract infection, so that should be ruled out before you start worrying about other causes (and again, I think we have a tendency to blame our pouches for any new symptom we might develop, when in fact we're just as susceptible to the "regular stuff" as anyone else.). You mention you are taking cipro, which is a treatment for UTI, but keep in mind that some bladder infections do not respond to cipro; alternatively, it could be that the dose you are taking currently may not be adequate to treat the infection. For example, my mother was on a 30 day course of cipro for repeated flare ups of diverticulitis, but she still developed a severe bladder infection during the course of treatment. She needed a different type of antibiotic to treat it. So you should follow up with your GP ASAP, because it's possible you do have a UTI.

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