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I was in uva medical center in novemeber due to what they thought was a enterovaginal fistula.To make a long story short they put me to sleep and did a elvic exam to find this fistula, they came back to tell me they couldnt find one, They sent me home and now here I am again in pain, I have alot of air(possible gas)It smells like a weakend air from my ostomy bag,I am having brownish watery discharge coming from my vaginal area and it smells badly, It has caused me to not want to go out or be in a car with anyone, my kids are telling me i am passing gas and I am just to pieces over this,I am now having a something coming up from the space betwen my vagina and my peehole, it is swollen and it is stinging,I cant get anyone to help me cause uva said they didnt see a fistula on the ct scan or during the exam, something is going on, i know i am not losing my mind, Isnt there a way they can do a swab of the area and find out if this is stool? please help me, thanks
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I agree with Dawn - if your surgeon won't order an MRI, or you can't find a different surgeon quickly, ask your primary care physician, or even your gynecologist, to order you an MRI.

In the meanwhile, sitz baths will be comforting, and a barrier cream such as calmoseptine or desitin will help with the stinging.

So sorry you're going through this --
I had the same type of fistula & it took time to heal w months of antibiotics. I would go to a GYN if your GI can't diagnose it. You know your body & hopefully you will find a good dr. that will listen to you. Of course, you know if fecal matter is leaking from your vagina. Why your doctor wouldn't see this baffles me. Try the mineral salts sits baths, they really help along w the creams. It takes time to heal, so hang in there! Good luck!
Wellwhatever is going on is getting way worse, I am having alot of drainage/discharge/stool. coming from me. I also am having alot of air with a not so good smell.I am burning inside it feels like and my bottom where my rectum used to be is hurting like a possible nerve issue, I also recently discovered a lump/cyst or abcess right underneath my uretha. It is a little larger then a dime in size but is causing me pain when i feel i have to urinate, I not sure what is going on, I do not have a fever. I am just really getting nervous about what all of this could be, I had a ct scan in nov and it didnt show anything and dr said no cancer, if you can help me or at least tell me anything about this new thing i have on me now, ty or all your help,
A LOT can happen in a few months, so you need to be reexamined. This new lump/cyst is an important new sign, so get it checked out right away. This sounds like you have more than one location of abscess/fistula. I agree that this is getting worse. If your current docs are dismissing your complaints, you need a second opinion from someone with experience regarding pouch septic complications.

Good luck!

Jan Smiler
Thank You Jan and NJK, I first wanted to say that I do not have a pouch inside, I had to have all of my rectum removed and my large bowel,I Have a permenant ostomy. I go on Thursday to see my obygn again, I am hoping at least he can tell me what this new lump is that came up, I am worried about infection or septic issues, I do not run a fever and i do not feel ill,I cant sleep at night cause I burn so bad, I am applying a barier cream they gave me at the hospital when i was admitted.I soak in a hot bath and then put that on and i sit on a heating pad, I am taking 4 ibuprofen every 5-6 hours and then tyenol in between, I am still in alot of pain at times.I know this may sound weird but depending on what i eat makes a difference in how bad the burn is i feel, does that make sense? I also ate for 2 nights a bowel of frosted flakes, so my output in my bag was not watery and i noticed the stool/drainage was hardly any, I am going to be contacting another dr if this obgyn doesnt find it, my kids are actually noticing the smell from me and i cry,It is really frustrating and embarassing.I will let oyu guys know as soon as I find out, ty again for all the help.
I went to the urooncologists yesterday and he said i had a tumor growing, It is the sie of a golfball maybe smaller right underneath my uretha, we arent sure if it is anywhere else yet, i have to go have a pet scan tomorrow and see a bladder dr and then off for a pet scan, im so afraid, i cannot believe that they didnt find this earlier with the ct scans and them putting me to sleep and doing a pelvic exam, i just need prayers and support and i am so gpad that i have this site to come to, ty all for your support,

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