Wow, 4 to 6 times is really good for a pouch so young! You are only a month old. In the same timeline, I was going 12 to 15 times in a 24 hour period. It was pouchitis and it was solved with a 14 days' dose of Cipro. Pouchitis usually includes extreme frequency and urgency, and leakage, sometimes constant. See if red shows up again after having non-red food and drinks. It could also be slight irritation of the soft tissue in the rectal / pouch area that is now holding and expelling acidic stool. Maybe have a bidet bottle handy! Your pouch and raw tissues will "toughen up" and mature over time. Are you scheduled yet for your first post-takedown checkup with your surgeon? Try not to worry; every week will bring new issues. It takes a year or so to reach a state of new normal. Try not to worry unless you are bleeding heavily, feverish, vomiting, painful cramps, and especially not passing gas or stool (blockage). I only had one very very minor blockage that was crampy and ached, and luckily it worked itself out within 24 hours. If it went on longer, I would have gone to the ER fast. You seem to be coming along well. Choosing soluble foods will help too.
Thanks once again for your reply. It is really nice to talk to someone with similar experience. And sorry for my late reply. I'm from Denmark, so I also think there is quite a time difference between us.
I see red every once in a while now, but definitely not every time. Thank you for your words, they are motivational for me. With my ileostomy I went to the bathroom 2-3 times a day. Even though I'm glad to hear that my current situation is good for a pouch so young, I don't think any of this is easy. It is very tough mentally.
I am going to my first appointment with my surgeon next week (1 month after my surgery/takedown). I am looking forward to asking a bunch of questions and also have their opinion on my symptoms/experiences.