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hello friends!

90% of my bathroom trips are at night, after 5 PM. But I have talked to some j-pouchers that have the opposite pattern : they go to the bathroom throughout the day and by bedtime, they are completely empty and sleep through the night!

BUT.... if I try to go to the bathroom at like NOON, or around then, nothing will come out! i would have to REALLY strain, and still hardly any poops! maybe my pouch is still empty during the morning and early afternoon, and the transit for breakfast and lunch is slow? Later at night around dinner, the poop starts a-coming!

Now my pooping schedule is something like:

7am, 5pm, 8pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am

i would like to see if it is possible to spread out my poops throughout the day, like:

8am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm

and then be DONE by bed time. On the other hand, it is kind of convenient being out and about during the day without worrying about having to use the bathroom.

Is it possible to RE-TRAIN the pouch so it empties when YOU want it to, or at a SPECIFIC TIME AND SCHEDULE? Or is that NOT possible because your pouch has a "mind" of its own, so let it be and work the way it works best? maybe my pouch is too new, because i feel like i CANNOT control when the pouch feels like it needs emptying???

1.) What is YOUR pooping schedule?
2.) Did you try to re-train it so you poop at certain times, and did it work? did this change over time?


j-pouch : 3.5 months
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HI fq.
John from Australia.
I was taught that to train your pouch you need to hang onto it when you want to go to the toilet so everythig gets being used to being used again.
That was over 30 years ago and I think it worked for me.
It may help if you keep a food diary of everything that you eat and that means everything so you can work out what goes through you so to speak.
I have found that the less you worry about your pouch pooping the better it seems to work.
Hope you find this info usefull but it is early days for you yet.
Best Regards.
Hi fq,

One thing have learned in the past two years is my j pouch has a mind of it's own and it will do what it wants, whenever it wants! I don't think I could "train" it. My day s mostly something like this: 7am, 3pm, 6pm, then right before bed, and 2am. Sometimes there is a few more trips thrown in there depending on what I eat. Yesterday I had to go the bathroom at lunchtime and I was at work. I refuse to poop at's just too loud....the bathroom is not in a good spot. I held it till I to home at 3:00. I thought I would explode! Its just going to do what it wants to do and I'm cool with that. As long as there is no urgency, I don't mind.
I was also told after takedown, hold it in as long as you can. The pouch expands after takedown and you want that extra capacity, it's like having a bigger gas tank in your car. So resist that urge as long as possible and do not run to that bathroom as soon as you have to go- which unfortunately may be the natural predisposition of many who have suffered UC for years during which a Usain Bolt-like sprint was necessary to get to the bathroom in time.

I was also taught Kegel exercises.

These are fundamental things everyone should be doing after takedown.
My "schedule" depends upon what I eat and when I eat. The only consistency in my poopin' life is that first thing in the a.m. I need to empty my J-pouch and then again a few minutes later after walking around for awhile.....I chalk this up to gravity. I gave up trying to schedule any of this. I'm grateful I can generally empty my pouch prior to going anywhere. I consider this a great convenience! All it seems to take is a few hard coughs while sitting on the toilet. No need to push!
I have had my j-pouch for 16 years now and I have never tried to train it. I go when I have to go (sometimes I hold it for several hours if I'm at a movie or don't feel like going).

I have always had to get up at least once, and usually twice, throughout the night. You just get used to it. The trick to not letting it affect your sleep is to make sure you don't turn on the light (as that will stop melatonin production and wake you up). I stumble to the bathroom, do my business and go back to bed, and I go right back to sleep.

To me, it makes sense that because I eat throughout the day, that I'm going to have to go at night.
thanks everyone! this helps a lot!

Marianne, I think we are "pouch twins" Big Grin my pouch is very similar to yours, which i think is a good thing because yours is a good one 2 years out! i think i am too new to the pouch, but i feel like my pouch will do what it wants, when it wants also!

little bugger!

i don't know how some people can poop on command or while peeing! sometimes i pee, but can't poop! i will try the coughing trick. i tried that this morning. i coughed and coughed but the barn door stayed shut! guess my pouch was feeling shy. it is still the boss of me! Wink

maybe if i change my eating patterns and habits and expand my diet i might notice a change? i eat 3 meals a day. almost same foods every day! it all collects there until dinner time when my pouch likes to be emptied.

maybe one day i will get the hang of this thing!!!
Also, you cannot deny the law of physics. A lot of food going in= a lot of poop coming out. Little food going in= less trips to the loo. Smiler

Maybe try making your lunch the larger meal of the day and your dinner smaller. I have done this and it actually works but it's not always practical for me and my schedule plus I have a family to cook for.
I agree. My pouch also has a mind of its own. I do try and hold it in as long as I can sometimes. That is one of of training your pouch. I eat a big lunch and small dinners most of the time.

I still have not gotten into the habit of not eating later then I want. Work being so busy, I sometimes do not eat dinner until 8:00.

Based on what I have read on this post, I try to make my dinner just soup.

In the beginning, scheduling your poop is like trying to schedule a nursing baby. Fagetabotit. Wink It takes up to a year for your pouch to grow to full capacity and holding it for as long as you can, helps that process (and strengthens muscles). I know in the beginning for me, I was running to the bathroom constantly because I didn't know what the exact feeling was when I had to go -- so any/every twitch had me in the bathroom. I was also obsessed with counting the number of times I went -- obsessed (I know that's so hard to believe, because I am SO not a control freak -- bahahahaha!). I eventually learned to stop counting. You go when you go and counting won't give you more control. Again honey -- you're new to the process, so I'm sure your doctor is still very interested in how often you're going, etc....but, eventually you're going to figure out a routine that works for you most of the time. Certain foods will increase your output and sometimes the type is totally random and makes no sense (like baked, boring, chicken??). Also note that if something you love really bothers you (be it butt burn, increased output, gas, etc.) please don't get discouraged and think you will never be able to have it again. Wait a bit and reintroduce it in small amounts. There is very little that I can 'never' eat. There are just certain times when I can feel that it wouldn't be a good idea. Eventually you will see that your pouch doesn't have to control your life -- you will control it.
Last edited by Laurie49

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