hello friends!
90% of my bathroom trips are at night, after 5 PM. But I have talked to some j-pouchers that have the opposite pattern : they go to the bathroom throughout the day and by bedtime, they are completely empty and sleep through the night!
BUT.... if I try to go to the bathroom at like NOON, or around then, nothing will come out! i would have to REALLY strain, and still hardly any poops! maybe my pouch is still empty during the morning and early afternoon, and the transit for breakfast and lunch is slow? Later at night around dinner, the poop starts a-coming!
Now my pooping schedule is something like:
7am, 5pm, 8pm, 10pm, 1am, 4am
i would like to see if it is possible to spread out my poops throughout the day, like:
8am, 10am, 12pm, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm
and then be DONE by bed time. On the other hand, it is kind of convenient being out and about during the day without worrying about having to use the bathroom.
Is it possible to RE-TRAIN the pouch so it empties when YOU want it to, or at a SPECIFIC TIME AND SCHEDULE? Or is that NOT possible because your pouch has a "mind" of its own, so let it be and work the way it works best? maybe my pouch is too new, because i feel like i CANNOT control when the pouch feels like it needs emptying???
1.) What is YOUR pooping schedule?
2.) Did you try to re-train it so you poop at certain times, and did it work? did this change over time?
j-pouch : 3.5 months
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