Hi All,
I am just back from a hospital admission during which I had two "large" polyps removed from a location 7cm in, from which I guess would be near the join between rectal canal and the pouch. I thought I would post about this for information for anyone who may be interested. I hope to get more details as well as hopefully positive results from biopsys taken from the polyps in the near future.
I had been suffering from what I thought was pouchitis or cuffitis for 18 months. I had felt inflammation which worsened sometime after eating. I also more recently started finding it a strain to emtpy the pouch and also had difficulty urinating as well as experiencing discomfort during erections. I had a scope 13 months ago which found nothing and I was told the pouch looked in good condition and the biopsys taken at that time tested only for minor inflammation. I was relieved then, although amazed that nothing was found to really explain the discomfort I had.
I was visiting the loo 10 to 20 times a day, mostly at night and life really was taking a dive. I could not sit comfortably in a normal position, had to use a cushion in the car and tired easily. Being a golfer I found I could not manage more than 12 holes before I had to make an agonising visit to the loo and basically had to the game up.
The procedure to scope the pouch was performed under a general anesthetic (as had the one the year before) which had me a little concerned as I was sure they must find something and I wanted to guide them. Anyway, I made my doctors very aware of what I felt and suggested what they might find and where (A patient generally can sense things I believe) and they did. They removed two polpys as I mentioned and I am very happy to report, although at a very early stage (4 days on), that I believe this has been my problem all this time and I am already so much better (even though I have lost weight and energy). I again feel my pouch is working properly again and no longer have the feeling of inflammation and can sit in comfort and no longer require a cushion in the car. I do hope the polyps will not return, although I am sure I have heard they could.
My surgeon did mention that it was very unusual for polyps to grow in the pouch, but would be interested to hear if anyone else knows or has experience to the contrary.
I will happily try to answer any questions, but should warn I only visit the site once in a while but will try to visit regularly over the next few weeks.
I hope to have a good year of golf ahead of me for once!
All the best,
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