Recently, I relocated to St. Louis and have seen a GI doc specializing in FAP. I was rather awe struck to find a doc specializing in this rare disease. However, now I am reconsidering my feelings due to his recommendations.
We did a flex sig and upper GI this month to find I have a significant load of polyps both in my pouch and my duodenum. Our course of action, per the GI, was to remove the polyps from the pouch and then monitor every 3-6 months for growth. We would then move on to remove the polyps from the duodenum in a few weeks with similar monitoring.
However, after the flex sig to remove the pouch polyps, the GI is recommending that the pouch should be removed and I should have a perm colostomy. He has said that there are just too many polyps and he feels this has a very high risk. Please keep in mind, though, that biopsies have come back with no issues or dysplasia of any type.
I have recently seen the surgeon who gave me my J-Pouch for his opinion and thoughts... keeping in mind that his expertise is not in FAP but in Pouches. He says he does not necessarily see "polyposis" in my pouch and recommends I visit the Cleveland Clinic or Mayo Clinic for another opinion.
I am working with the Cleveland Clinic to schedule an appt for within the next 30 days.
However, my question to the community is this...
Because I have FAP, is my pouch compromised due to polyp growth?
Is it out of line for me to question the recommendation of removal of pouch? I certainly DON'T want to have a bad for the rest of my life (I am 41 years old and very active).
I wonder if I need to find another GI doc.
Any suggestions, thoughts, insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!