I know I have to wait for the biopsy results to be back, But if anyone has any insights into what this might mean, can you please let me know
My 19 year old had his first pouchoscopy this morning and there were 3 polyps in total. His ileostomy was taken down in March 2022 and they did a J-pouch then. So in a little over a year, there are 3 polyps in his J-pouch. He is a two time colon cancer survivor (among other cancers) , I am worried these polyps might again be cancer.
His report says
" The J-pouch contained one sessile polyp near J-pouch suture line/pouch inlet. The polyp was 5 mm in diameter. The polyp was removed with a hot snare. Resection and retrieval were complete.
The j-pouch contained one sessile polyp. The polyp was 7 mmin diameter. The polyp was removed with a hot snare. Resection and retrieval were complete.
The j-pouch contained one sessile polyp near rectal cuff. The polyp was 4 mm in diameter. Tissue was resistant to snare cautery (unable to cut through)- suspect possible staple/suture under tissue. Biopsies were taken with cold forceps for histology. "