My daughter's biopsy results from her pouchoscopy and above scope from last week. These results were release to her chart online so we haven't been able to discuss with dr as of yet. Any insight please?
A. Ileum, 40 cm, biopsy:
Small intestinal mucosa with no pathologic diagnosis.
B. Ileum, 25 cm, biopsy:
Small intestinal mucosa with focal pyloric
metplasia and lymphoid hyperplasia, see note.
C. Ileum, 10 cm, biopsy:
Small intestinal mucosa with focal non-specific
regenerative changes, see note.
Note: No granulomas or dysplasia identified.
A. Ileum, 40 cm, biopsy:
Small intestinal mucosa with no pathologic diagnosis.
B. Ileum, 25 cm, biopsy:
Small intestinal mucosa with focal pyloric
metplasia and lymphoid hyperplasia, see note.
C. Ileum, 10 cm, biopsy:
Small intestinal mucosa with focal non-specific
regenerative changes, see note.
Note: No granulomas or dysplasia identified.