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Hi Girls,
I am trying to help a young woman (41) who I met at a dinner and is totally lost. She recently got married and is desperately trying to have a baby. They have found 1 blocked tube (not sure about number 2) and are already sending her to 'buy a Spanish egg' (no joke). She is not French so is lost in the translation, confused why she cannot use her own, doesn't know what the 'process' is and what she should be asking etc.
I am hand holding and supporting her through the process but am a bit lost. In my day they did a HSP, gave you the results and then told you yes or no. IVF or not. Not at all sure what they do these days.
Could you walk me through this so that I can help her?
Thanks girls
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Generally, for IVF you take a stimulation drug to increase egg production. They monitor your ovaries around day 9 or so, and then you go back as often as needed until the follicles are the right size. Then you take a trigger injection which forces the body to ovulate and release the eggs. If this is done on Thursday, you would have the eggs retrieved on Saturday.

If she is using donor eggs that are not frozen, then she would have to have her husband on call to go to the clinic when the donor eggs were produced.

If the eggs are frozen, it can be more planned.

Eggs are placed in a petrie dish with sperm and allowed to fertilize. In some cases, when they suspect fertilization will be difficult, they inject individual eggs with sperm.

These embryos are then allowed to develop between 3-5 days. Depending on the quality of the embryo they will advise how many to transfer. Current thinking is for less - that chances are about equal with one egg as with multiples.

After the transfer, you wait about 2 weeks, then have a blood test to see if it was successful.

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