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after doing alot of investigating online/my own research i found its best to administer both tap water enemas one after the other atleast 90 minutes prior to leaving for the scope. the arrival time is set for 1pm

around 11 am on the 28th of feb i plan to administer the water tap enemas one after the other after having miralax with gatorade clear cherry flavor around 6-7pm the night before pouchoscopy day

i always have gotten standard gi prep instructions as if im going for a colonoscopy but my new gi drs nurse told me to tap water enemas before the scopes only.   the dr goes up the ileum. theres no time for rinsing. he has work to do such as debulk upper gi stomach polyps and do endoscopic mucosal resection on the lower gi tract in the pouch and at the anastomosis/cuff.

i really was hoping for more responses but theres only a select few fellow FAP patients on the board and i really would have appreciated other folks with fap and their pouchoscopies pre-preparation instructions and i did not get that,


I am sorry you didn't get responses from the FAP members.    I don't have FAP, but I have annual scopes at Columbia with banding of mucosa and I've had inlet stenosis treated with balloon dilation also. No tap water enemas, just a Miralax and Gatorade prep each time.   They've recently changed to a split dose prep, (1/2 at 6 pm day before and 1/2 at 6 -1/2 hrs before  the procedure.) But  when I am scheduled early in the morning  I still do a single dose starting around 6 pm the night before.

Also, in addition to the Miralax solution,  instructions are to not eat any solid food the entire day before the  procedure - only clear liquids. And low residue the day before that.  Those dietary modifications probably contribute to an easier prep and a cleaner gut.  

Good luck with your procedure  


thanks and i want to ensure im cleaned thorougly so im doing 90 min pror to scheduled pick up to hospital adding 2 warm tap water enemas.

i was aware about the split dose miralax th enight before and 5-6 1/2 hours the day of the scope prior. yes its a newer protocol they adopted to instruct folks for pouchoscopy to  split the miralax

thanks for the well wishes. scared as hell. i have  polyps at the anastomosis that in october failed to lift despite being injected with methelyne blue. im assuming do to size of polyp.  the dr will try to perform insted of endoscopic mucosal resection endoscopic submuscosal resection then theres thermal ablative therapy to try to remove it.

the polyp was tubular adenoma and just that no other findings in october. i read about fibrosis possibility if a partially resected polyp is not removed within 3 weeks of first trying when they go back theres then scar tissue and its harder to remove even more.  this is also scary. he biopsied the piece of the anastomosis polyp in octover procedure it was negetative.



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