after doing alot of investigating online/my own research i found its best to administer both tap water enemas one after the other atleast 90 minutes prior to leaving for the scope. the arrival time is set for 1pm
around 11 am on the 28th of feb i plan to administer the water tap enemas one after the other after having miralax with gatorade clear cherry flavor around 6-7pm the night before pouchoscopy day
i always have gotten standard gi prep instructions as if im going for a colonoscopy but my new gi drs nurse told me to tap water enemas before the scopes only. the dr goes up the ileum. theres no time for rinsing. he has work to do such as debulk upper gi stomach polyps and do endoscopic mucosal resection on the lower gi tract in the pouch and at the anastomosis/cuff.
i really was hoping for more responses but theres only a select few fellow FAP patients on the board and i really would have appreciated other folks with fap and their pouchoscopies pre-preparation instructions and i did not get that,