The surgeon had planned on doing the takedown 5 weeks later (early dec.) I was looking forward to getting all this done before Christmas and start a new year with the new pouch and no more bag. The bag hasn't been the end of the world but after the 2nd surgery it is more of a pain. If fills a lot quicker and contains much more liquid than before.
Before he could do the surgery I had to do the x-ray of the pouch with the white milky looking stuff inserted where the sun don't shine. This procedure showed a small leak on the back side of my pouch, NO GOOD. His "plan" was to give it more time. I received a full release for work mid dec and went back to work. I've been feeling normal with no real physical setback's.
I went back 3 weeks later (end of Dec.) for the x-ray test and my pouch is still leaking. It appears to be smaller but is real hard to tell. Once again the Doc says give it more time. So here we are, it's a new year and I'm just waiting at this point. We have a plan to wait until mid to late February to try the test again... I hope it goes well.
Has anyone else had similar experience? Did it heal? Just seems a little odd to me that it can "heal" and close liquid tight. It really seems like the surgeon didn't seal it tight in surgery??