Believe me, attorneys would much prefer the easier way. But, if you have ever dealt with insurance companies, you KNOW there is NO way to suggest better alternatives. If you want to do things differently, they just hire someone else. I suppose part of it is for protection of their networks from email hacks. You get your instructions and have to follow them to the letter. Something my husband does not miss...
100% correct. If anyone thinks I am hunting for work or looking for billable time think again. I am looking for an easier way to get things done 24/7. I use a program called Dragon to do all my billings by dictation into another program called Juris because I do not have the time to manually enter all those entries so that they adequately address all the criteria I have to address. In addition, I can't bill for performing administrative tasks like scanning photos, so it is simply wrong to say that is racking up billable time. It's costing me billable time because I can't bill for engaging in the inefficient nonsense I am compelled to engage in. My paralegal would normally perform such tasks but she is out on medical leave, although fortunately coming back soon.
Insurance defense work in my state is highly competitive and when it forms the bulk of your practice you don't make noise to the hand that feeds you. Firms get chosen based on how good their work is, but you can screw that up when you are a complainer and start telling others how they should do business. They WILL hire someone else. We have had something good going for 15 years at my firm, and the reason why is we are good at what we do, period and end of story. Attorneys who churn insurance files and don't do good work do not last, they get eaten up by the competition. I do not churn, I give them the quality work they are paying for.
Yes Jan they are protecting their networks and I am getting more and more encrypted emails these days. Especially on surveillance activity and claims searches done by the carriers.