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Hi Everyone!

Curious as to how everyone empties their bags into the toilet. I'm about 9 or 10 weeks post op and my tush is still a little sensitive so I can't sit on the toilet far back enough to empty my bag into it. I kneel in front of the toilet but am hoping over time I can sit and empty.

What do you all do? Sit, stand, kneel, magically hover?

Are there any tips on how to empty it sitting on the toilet?

Thanks and Happy Holidays!
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I have been pulling my pants down, sitting on the toilet like I was peeing and empty my bag and always emptied my bladder since I was sitting there anyway. A few days ago I had an epiphany and sat on the toilet facing the tank without pulling my pants down and just emptied my bag. It is so much quicker and easier for me now. The other way I would have to pull my pants way down and if they were skinny jeans, had to really work at it to get my pants low enough to get the job done.
OK All, so here I was thinking that my butt must be REALLY large because I just couldn't get the right amount of space to cleanly empty my bag if sitting on the toilet.

Then I realised the problem is not with my booty, but my toilet is kind of round and small. I used a public toilet which was shaped kind of like an oval and there was so much more room!

And for those with a sense of humor, "Does this toilet make my butt look big?" Hehehe.
Ha Ha, Kristy. You are funny!

As I said above, I discovered I can empty without pulling my pants down by facing the toilet tank. Well, I was at a restaurant last night and I did my duty and then had to reach backwards to get the tp which is now behind me because of my position. It was a smaller toilet than mine at home and it was a bit of a reach and when I did, I fell right off of the toilet and onto the floor. I started laughing because what else could I do. It was funny but I was glad that it was a one toilet bathroom.

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