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Do any of you have too many UTI'S. Since going to an ileostomy I have UTI's all the time. I went through P.T. for several months for pelvic floor dysfunction and it didn't work as I had 2 UTI'S after that.  I recently had tests that shows I still have too Tense of muscles and am not fully emptying my bladder. This is their explaination of why I have so many UTI'S.  

The urologist has me self cathatorizing myself nightly to insure that my bladder is completely empty at least once a day.  Another dreaded thing to endure. I was handed a mirror gadget that has a strap to fit around my leg in order the figure out where to put the cathator. That and a bag full of samples. I am to be called by a supplier to order the supplies. 

Hello, that is not enough information. There was a little pamphlet with them. So I watched a to few u-tubes. The best was presented by a nurse with a nice mannequin demonstrating the real how to do. It worked as I have no problem and use no mirror. It is still depressing. My pelvic floor dysfunction was partly to blame for my failed j-pouch too. I use to think this meant there was leaking. My problem is the opposite. My muscles are working too well, clinching or "stressed" as they put it. Everyone here knows that we become well practiced in clinching our muscles with IBD. So I don't need to do kegals anymore, hip hip hurray.....

How are you with bladder infections?

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My problem is my muscles, pelvic floor, are too clenched and I don't eliminate all the urine. I had PT to learn how to relax vs doing exercises to hold urine in. She mainly worked on my core and basically I do some deep breathing and it helps me eliminate. I think it makes sense as I had to hold in my poop for many years. No talk of dilation yet. Thank you I am going to ask about them! I hate cathing.

I had to void and then did ultra sound to determine how much fluid was left in my bladder.  Then I did a void test, think sitting on a large funnel.  She put in fluid and measured it when coming out. Sorry if TMI. There were sensors in my bladder and into my stoma. I've had worse j-pouch related tests.

I don't get them very often...I used to when I was much younger but I had a great obs/gyn who gave me a few basic rules...only cotton undies, no bubble baths or soap in the tube or any type of detergent while I am in the water (I either wash first then take a bath or the other way around...not even shampoo in the will change the PH level in the water and send me strait into a UTI);

I use only sea salt with a few drops of essential oils if I want to perfume my tub, change undies often, minimum 1xs/day but 2xs if I am doing exercise or sweating. 

Not wipes, cleaners, perfumes, talcs or anything else in the area. 

I also drink about 8-12 glasses of water/day including 1 with lemon juice in the evening to clean me out before bedtime. 

Antibiotics can send me into a UTI as well so I am careful around then and use probiotics as well as brewer's yeast and yogurt.

No miracles, just lots of tiny efforts...And of course I keep a bottle of cranberry capsules in my cupboard just in case.

By the way, pomegranate works well too.

Hope that this clears up and that you can go back to your new normal...

By the way, I also do a lot of planks, squats and pilates to keep things tight down there but also to give me some measure of control.


Good list Sharon. Unfortunately I know and or do most of what you write about. I too had them more when younger but the problem now is more functional  It's been almost 2 months without an infection so am hoping it is under control now. I am still using up my vsl#3 too. I am spreading one daily packet over many days as I am no longer on antibiotics for my former j-pouch. 

I discovered that several of my medications can contribute to the problem so ladies read all of the warnings on your prescriptions. 

I am now self cathetorizing before bed nightly.  They did an ultrasound after I urinated and there was too much urine left in my bladder. They are not sure of the cause. I think it is due to several of my medications that list urine retention as a potential side effect. One of them is Loperamide, prescription Imodium. At least the specialist is not trying to add a prescription.  

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