Here is a little background info on me. I had a rectovaginal fistula that prevented me from having my ileostomy reversed last year. Stool and gas was leaking from my vagina as well as my anus. I had two different surgeries in attempt to fix it. The surgery I had February of this year fixed it. I had takedown May 31 of this year.
It's not July and out of nowhere, yesterday I started passing gas through my vagina as well as my anus. I immediately started freaking out. Throughout the day, I started noticing some brown discharge, automatically assuming it was stool. My vagina became irritated but not as bad as I remember it being last year when it happened. Now I take birth control and this is the week of my period but I am done bleeding and have been since the middle of the week. Sometimes I get brown discharge right after my period so it might be that. BUT it looks like there might be some pieces of loose stool in there too. I don't know.
I immediately saw my surgeon this morning and he did an exam himself and felt through my anus and my vagina and didn't feel the fistula. He wants me to see how I do through the weekend and let him know on Tuesday. If it continues then I will have to get another pouch test done and perhaps see the urogynocologist that did the surgery that fixed the fistula.
One thing that stood out was that my surgeon said he has had female patients come to him after takedown saying that they are passing gas through their vagina. Has this happened to anyone after takedown?? I am trying not to jump to conclusions but this has NEVER happened to me and it's weird and I am automatically assuming FISTULA. Any input would be great. Thanks!
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