hi all. i am a 22 year old and have had my j pouch since i was 18. Ever since then i have struggled with painful periods. does anyone have any advice on how to handle cramps? i was also wondering if anyone has taken aleve for their period with a j pouch. my doctor told me to avoid ibuprofen. i am pretty desperate and would love to hear from someone. thank you!!
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Aleve can cause bleeding, that’s why doctors don’t recommend it. I use Tylenol and a heated pad.
Acetaminophen works. Exercise before the period onset helps too. Stretching the abdomen with yoga a few days before the onset also helps.
If bothersome and limiting your life I would discuss NSAIDs with your GI doc as often you only need to take them for the first day or 2 of your period and this limited use is really of questionable risk for triggering pouchitis which is the feared complication in j pouchers. NSAIDs work on prostaglandins and reduce pain and inflammation which is why they are so effective for menstrual cramps. Tylenol is simply a mild pain killer. It may work for some but doesn’t cut it for many. If NSAIDs are a no go per your GI then you could consider an oral contraceptive. If cramping is bad endometriosis should be considered and suppressing ovulation can really help. Long story short, don’t suffer with cramps. Ask your gyn for advice and clear it with GI if necessary. I wish you relief. Cramps can really suck.
I have endometriosis and so I experience tremendous pain each month. I don't take Aleve because it's not good for j pouchers. (Too bad because it really helped). A heating pad is really helpful with cramps. My Dr gave me a prescription pain reliever and it helps tremendously. I hope you feel better.
Going on birth control has helped my periods not be as painful. Currently I’m on the continuous birth control where you don’t even get a period. The packet of pills are a 21 day supply. Day 22 you start a new packet and skip right over having a period. It’s been amazing!!