Hey guys and gals I looking for some suggestions, probabilities, or solutions would be the most beneficial. I am currently typing this laying in my bed with a bag of ice underneath my rearend. I have an appointment on Friday so thank God for that but I have been dealing with the most extreme pain lately in my rectal area on the right side. It is not comfortable for me to sit, lay, stand, walk, or pretty much do anything and i'm scared to eat because I know the inevitable is going to happen its eventually going to have to come out. From my experiences with both hemroids and strictures it feels like a hemroid but I have never had a hemroid last for so long. It's been on and off like this for the last month and progressively getting worse. I've tried every type of cream and even hemroid suppositories nothing works. When I use the bathroom and pass any solid stool the pain starts to come on heavy. I can feel the inflammation. When the pain comes it last for several hours until I am able to take some pain medication then it becomes somewhat tolerable but the relief doesn't last long. Kind of at the end of my rope with this and it takes a lot for me to say that. Please offer any suggestions you might have. Thank you in advance.
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