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I came off prednisone and have been trying a new medication Cimzia for my pouchitis. It has not been working and I have been in lots of pain most night and not sleeping. Has anyone ever tried to go to a pain management clinic for this condition? My Gastro does not seem interested in giving me pain medication and I need sleep and relief.
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Most doctors will not give out pain medicine. YOu can thank the people who make these silly laws in our country. A lot get fines now if they hand them out. My last family doctor did only because I ran out.I had to pay out of pocket to him to do so though since it wasn't connected to his practice. Weird but how I got my Oxy refilled when I was 2 months post op and not able to get off pain meds.

You have to go to pain management doctors, clinics don't do narcotics usually since they cracked down on this but some require a doctor to refer you saying you need narcotics. Some doctors are just easier than others. I gave up looking since everyone wanted me to do physical therapy. I laugh at them. Clueless people...

Most narcotic pain management are also anesthesiologists so when looking up doctors look for that as well. The one I went to in Florida did not list pain management on his card or info since he didn't want an influx of people abusing the system basically. Good luck! You will get someone to be on your side it just takes some work to find them.

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