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Hi all! It’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been feeling really great, mostly due to the great advice I always get whenever I read these forums. However, I’m back for advice about a suspected blockage. On Thursday night I was eating dinner and had a sudden, sharp, cramping pain right below my rib cage, directly in the middle. I thought it was just cramps or even a severe stomachache (haven’t had one of those in a long time, so it’s hard to remember what they feel like!), but the pain was too high and worsened through the night. On Friday morning I could hardly walk down the hallway without doubling over in pain, clutching my abdomen. It was then that I noticed very watery output, as if I had a blockage. The pain seemed to shift lower as the day went on, so I assumed the blockage was making its way down, and by the evening, I had such increased frequency that I was in the bathroom with watery output every 30-45 minutes. I had a liquid dinner then slept very poorly, getting up every two hours to go. This morning I was having waves of pain in the upper abdomen again, just like the first night. I stuck with a liquid diet for breakfast and lunch and will most likely be doing that for dinner as well since I’m not feeling any better. A heating pad provides soothing and comfort but not necessarily relief. The pain is definitely worse when I’m up and moving around. Yesterday it was 7/10 on the pain scale. Today the waves of pain are probably 4/10. It’s going to be hard to tell if a blockage has cleared if I’m stuck on a liquid diet because everything will be watery in the bathroom until I add solids. Do I risk adding solids tonight or tomorrow to see if they’ll go through? Would blockage pain be felt so high in the abdomen? I was scared that it might be pancreas related (I had pancreatitis for a couple months back in 2009), but the pain doesn’t get worse when I breathe in and it’s not radiating to my back at all. What do you think is going on? And lastly, I’m super dehydrated from the increased frequency and I saw that someone posted not to drink Gatorade (or G2, the sugar free kind). What other sugar free electrolyte replenishment product should I be drinking?

Thanks for any and all advice. 

Last edited by Emmyschmemmy
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Hi emmyschmemmy. You can do some stretching of the abdomen and massage the area. Grape juice, coconut water and warm lquids are good for trying to clear a partial blockage. My surgeon told me to drink Gatorade with some salt in it for dehydration, so not sure why the problem with it is, unless it's the surgery content. If things don't get better soon, making a call to your doctor or a visit to the er might be a good idea. Good luck, I hope you get some relief soon. 


Hi Emmy,

How are you doing today? How is the pain level? Have the waves of pain calmed down?

Sounds like you had a textbook blockage...and that it is clearing nicely...Stay on liquids an extra 24hrs after you feel it is cleared (and yes, you may still have residual pain or mild muscle soreness). Then introduce easy to eat proteins and things like applesauce...Soft foods for another 24hs to see how they go through.

Hope things are better today.


Hi Sharon,

Thanks for your reply! I am feeling so much better today. Just ever so slightly sore in the abdomen, particularly when I eat. The waves of pain died down after being on a liquid diet for 24 hrs, and I’m slowly transitioning back into soft solids. I was hoping that I’d be able to see what was causing the blockage when it worked its way out, but I never did! 


Sometimes the blockage isn't something that you ate but something that is eating you...stress, a twist, stricture, scar tissue/adhesions, an elbow in the gut or something else...just remember that at the 1st signs of it, stay off of solids, stick to hot liquids, try grape or prune juice to chase it or hot green tea, massage the area, bounce (yes, I bounce on a pilates ball and stretch my abdomen over it backwards...sometimes I can stretch it out), walk, climb...

Just avoid food and getting dehydrated.

Hope that you feel better


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