i had surgery as an emergency in January 2010 then in when they sent bowl samples away they said i had uc so could not reconect to colon. so in october 2010 had the 2nd lot off surgery where i had j-pouch made recovery was good but slow. i had third surgery in october 2011 had takedown and j-pouch was all working well just had very loose stools, i was taking norimode (lopermide hydrochloride ) 2mg x2 4 times a day 15 mins before food and just before bed. in january 2012 started getting really bad pains down in my bum. this i think is cramping, have seen my surgen several times and he has done sevral tests and he can not tell me what this is it keeps me awake most nights and is very painful, tests i have had are internal examination under anisetic / MRI scan /CT scan have hade causes of antibiotics but nothing has helped, if i starve for 2 days i get no pain but after eating for a day the pain returns, also i can go to bathroom and strugle to empty then just after i leave the bathroom can need to rush back to bathroom in just a few minutes. stool is still loose and suffer quiet a lot with but burn. if anyone has suffered this or can help i would be most greatfull.
many thanks
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