I'm 6 months out from j pouch surgery. I started feeling better close to the 4 month mark. I wasn't having much discomfort going. I was able to get out and do things. I felt somewhat normal. The middle of the 5th month I started having pain again after each BM. Sometimes it hurts while I'm going but most of the pain is after. I had pouchitis during the 5th month and started feeling better. But for the past 3 weeks I've not felt well at all. I'm taking Metamucil 2-3x per day because of diarrhea. I can't seem to get regulated. I do have to strain sometimes for things to come out. Last couple of days I've been in the bathroom most of the day. Can't seem to empty. Just keeps coming. After about 30 minutes of going my BM's start to burn and itch some because of the amount coming out. Like I said after each bowel movement my backside hurts and throbs. The only thing that helps is pain meds. I've tried high strength Tylenol but it doesn't help. I'm eating bland foods. Does anyone have any advice? I haven't been able to go out much at all. I would appreciate any suggestions.
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Drink a lot of water and try to get more fiber, I not a fan of Metamucil but love benefiber it works better. I also have aquaphor everywhere , bathroom, purse, etc. Helps with irritation. Try to use wipes or water and blot don't wipe it irritates it. If the stools are very frequent, urges, light green, nothing staying in and constant pain it's pouchitis and need flagyl to to treat . Best of luck
Don't strain!!! I just got back from the Cleveland Clinic and my pouch is twice the normal size and I can't empty completely and it's from straining. I have pain just like you are describing. I have to go to a PT for the next 6 months to hopefully improve this so I don't lose my pouch (surgeon said 40% of people who have the problem I do have to get an ostomy). I have had one visit with the PT and already I'm not in pain anymore. I bought a squatty potty and have learned to empty correctly. It is basically a reverse kegel. I take a big belly breath and engage my anus. Try sitting on the toilet and seeing if you can feel it down there when you take in a big breath. I was able to empty without straining and no pain almost immediately! I still am not able to empty completely which I think will take the longest time to correct. I'm happy I'm not in pain anymore at least. My PT is a huge squatty potty fan. It's a lot harder to strain when using it.
Good luck!!
Disneynut, how long since your takedown? And at what point did you learun that your pouch was enlarged from straining? You're scaring me!