Hi all,
I have pain in my anus quite often. I've had hemorrhoid surgery before (UC days) so I thought this might be a small hemorrhoid. But... I also have to strain to empty my pouch and it kind of feels like there is something partially blocking the opening maybe. its tender to touch, but if I do, I also kind of feel something, like a small marble? Is this normal scarring/healing?
Last time I saw my surgeon, he peeked at my bottom and thought it looked ok. But he didn't really feel around because that just freaks me out. (After all that we go through, you'd think I would be thicker skinned about this, but no). So we decided to just keep an eye on it until maybe scheduling a scope or something where I can have anesthesia.
Well, its been a couple of weeks now and it's the same. Maybe even a little worse, but I experience pain a little less since I am starting to reduce bathroom trips (8 weeks out from takedown).
Any thoughts about this would be appreciated!