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I get this way quite frequently and now eat mostly a soft diet. I still have BM's when this happens, they are small and can be frequent while I'm in pain so bad my Norco pain pills don't provide much relief. My worst area is where my stoma was, which was close to my incision. I had an abscess under my incision that was removed at take down plus I had incisional hernia surgery after that. So I envision a perfect storm for adhesions around there that is causing my partial blockages.

My surgeon sent me for a small bowel study Friday. No food in my system I drank a barium solution and they took images every 30-45 minutes for 2.5 hours until the barium reached my pouch. I haven't heard the results back from the test yet. I had this same test 2 years ago and the barium reached my pouch in 30 minutes so I know it took 4-5 times longer for it to reach my j-pouch this time but have no idea if that means anything or not.

You might want to discuss this with your doctor's if you experience this often like I have been so they can look into it.
The longer travel time could be related to your Norco pills (if you took them in the morning). Maybe?

My surgeon had me go through the SBS because of obstructions the year following my takedown as a matter of procedure. It had to be done prior to justifying surgery. I don't believe the study showed the narrowing that was eventually show to be there when I underwent adhesion lysis (removal). In other words, the SBS showed nothing but I had surgery anyway. Two major adhesions narrowing down my small bowel were undoubtedly the cause for my issues. She released those and I have been obstruction free since. I've had a couple partials after eating things I shouldn't (mushrooms, mainly) but nothing like the days when I left to the ER because it got so bad.


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