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Wondering if anyone had gone through this looking for light at the end of the tunnel.....

I went to the doctor earlier in the week because I was having extreme pain , I though I must have pouchitis because all the symptoms I was having point to it. I went for a CT scan at there was a large cyst on my ovary , they gave me something for pain and I was to go for an ultrasound this morning , well I went for the ultrasound and the cyst is a little bigger then a golf ball , but there is nothing they can so other then manage the pain and follow up with another ultrasound in a couple weeks...... I have crazy pain when I go to the washroom , feel like i cant empty properly and pressure all the time , I've read that these are normal symptoms of ovarian cyst but I can't help but think I'm feeling worse because of he position of my pouch....... Was wondering if anyone else has ever had ovarian cyst and what the symptoms were ..... I'm a working mom of 3 not like I can take pills to manage pain and still get very thing that needs to be done done. Feeling hopeless Frowner
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Who ordered your ultrasound and other exams? A generalist or an ObsGyn? A generalist may not know all of the options availible but a GYN will...I had polycystic ovaries in my 30's and becuase I was considered (almost)inoperable they chose to shrink them with meds...they put me on progesterone for 3 yrs to put my ovaries 'to sleep' and allow the cysts to shrink to worked and they only came back much later and slower...hormone treatments can be a real option for you if the pain is severe and the way, pain meds did not help me at all with this.
The doctor that ordered test was just the ER doctor, Im assuming that i will get an appointment with the OBGYN and will find out more, my main questions is if im feeling more pain because the location of my pouch ? i cant eat, if i do the cramps i get are unbarabl.... then the pressure i get for the next day is crazy. Im not sure if i should insist on seeing the GI specialist, or if he can even do anything for me. I find here the whole pouch thing is rare and not many doctors are familar with it..... Im only 30 and would like one more children, i wish they would just do the day surgery and take the stupid thing out.....
I know that my general surgeon here did not want to touch me with a 10ft pole...he had never seen a k pouch and was not all that comfortable with a j pouch either but he sent me to an 'old' obsgyn (in his late 70's!) who was fanstatic...I had to deal with salpangitis first and get rid of that (infection in the fallopian tube) and then a couple of yrs later the cysts..they were very surgery shy although they did opperate for the salpangitis at the time (no choice)...the 'putting your ovaries to sleep' does not mean that you can't have kids...just not during the treatment (like being on the pill)...once you stop the treatment your period comes back normally within a couple of months...for me the treatment was radical on the pain...within a week it was gone and no pain killers...just make sure that you see an obsgyn before moving forward...ER docs are not great at gynecology...
And by the way...yes the pouch can make thing more painful...any inflamation in the region can effect your pouch negatively.
Hi there,

This happened to me at 30 (now I'm 34). I thought something was wrong with my pouch but they found large cysts on both my ovaries. I was in alot of pain.

I was lucky because I am still in touch with my GI surgeon and I was then referred to an OBGYN surgeon.

Both surgeons were in the operating room and they were able to remove both cysts lapriscopically. I actually got to leave later in the day since I do not want to be in hospitals overnight. I have two tiny scars on my abdomen, barely noticable.

I do not have any children nor do I think I will choose that route. But I was told that the cysts didn't damage the ovaries, nor did the surgery negatively impact my reproductive ability. Granted, the surgeries for my pouch, etc, may have impacted my fertility, but if the choice is to be in pain and not be able to enjoy the kids you do have, I would say talk to surgeons about having them removed.

Sometimes cysts do burst, which is painful, but then it basically is over (unless another one begins). There is a chance you ould wait to see if that happens. And then there is shrinking them, which is what Sharon suggested.

Let me know if you want to talk more.

Take care,
My ovarian cysts were unusual, I guess. I had no pain, no symptoms at all. They just kept growing as measured by ultrasound every 6 months for about 3 years. Finally, my ObGyn said my ovaries and all of the other reproductive parts had to come out. Because of my J-pouch she sent me to a colleague who was an ObGyn surgeon who specialized in patients with cancer. He was sure I would be a breeze for a laparoscopic procedure. I had warned him my colorectal surgeon said that wouldn't work because I had many adhesions. He tried. It didn't work and so he opened me up along my original J-pouch surgery scar. I was in the hospital four days because of the open surgery but it was a breeze! No discomfort and I felt great! Strange, huh? My decisions were easy since I'm 72 years old! I don't even miss those parts and my J-pouch did just fine!
Sorry to hear about your pain Macgher.
If I may ask, is your pain 24/7? My daughter has been in pain 24/7 since 5 weeks post op for a strictureplasty. In between the surgeries she has had, May pouch revision and Jan strictureplasty, the GYN was following her for a cyst on her ovary that showed up during a CT scan for pouch issues. She was suppose to get another pelvic ultrasound 2 months ago (gets them every 3-6 months to check on this cyst) but with the surgeries she hasn't been able to go. After reading your post I wonder if her pain could be from the cyst on her ovary. Sorry, just popped into my mind after reading about you.

Hope you get relief soon.

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