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Hi everyone,
I've browsed around the community for quite some time without ever deciding to make an account until now. I live in NJ where medicinal marijuana, despite being approved for years, is now finally going to be attainable (in a few weeks, at least). I've had mixed experiences with my pouch since surgery. I had a few years without many issues at all, but starting about 2 and a half years ago I would get blockages every month or two. Nothing helped besides time. I always have some pain/cramping in the pouch itself when I need to use the bathroom, and still go at least 8-10 times daily. I went off to my first year of college last September, got diagnosed with type one diabetes in October (yay...), and started using marijuana routinely in late November.
I noticed a big difference in the health of my pouch, pain, etc not only when under active affects, but for ~24 hours after. I usually used a vaporizer, nightly. Since consistently using marijuana, I have never had so much as a cramp from my bowel or pouch.
During my first winter break, last December, I stopped using it for a week or so. I got a blockage, decided to use some marijuana to see if it would help, and the pain and cramping disappeared almost immediately. I was able to pass the blockage within an hour. This happened again over my spring break, I stopped use, got a blockage, vaporized, and poof - no more blockage. After continuing consistent use, I went on vacation with my family for a few weeks. In these past 2 weeks, no access to marijuana, I've had two blockages that I had to deal with for hours until they resolved themselves (after I drank an incredible amount of water).
I have noticed the following affects from marijuana use with my pouch:
- I use the bathroom less frequently, and have no cramps or discomfort when I need to do so
- Never had a blockage when consistently using it, and it helped relieve the pain and clear two blockages
- I sleep much better (and wake up less to use the bathroom)
- I have a much improved appetite (which is great, considering I am 5'11" and weigh 124 pounds)
There is science behind my observations, however. In everyone's intestines, there are cannabanoid receptors (CB1 and CB2). Using marijuana stimulates these receptors, which in turn help slow down, relax, and regulate the gut as a whole. There are other reasons, but that is the main one.
There has been no effect on the diabetes, and my doctor has said it would do nothing negative (unless I get "bad" marijuana that has other added ingredients - only an issue on the black market).
Besides the J-pouch benefits, it helps me deal with the stress of two autoimmune diseases, which in turns keeps me happy and on top of my health.

Also, just to note - no, I have not done anything differently when I use and do not use marijuana (diet, exersize, Imodium, etc always the same)

Sorry for the very long post, but I wanted to lay that all out there.

So, I ask you, J-pouch community, what have been your experiences? Do any of you who live in a medicinal marijuana state have your cards, and with what effects?

I am trying to put together the best case possible for myself to get on NJ's program. It is notoriously strict, though "Inflammatory Bowel Disease" is a qualifying condition. I have an appointment with a doctor in a little over a week.

Thanks for everyone's input, and for reading my first post!

Stay healthy,
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Was all the marijuana you used medical grade? Or are you talking about smoking for recreational use?

Personally, when I smoke (recreationally) I do notice a decrease in frequency despite my larger intake of food (munchies Big Grin ) as well as a calmness of my bowels (less gurgling).

I'd be interested to know if recreational smoking can produce the same level of benefits as medical grade. If you only smoked the medical grade marijuana, do you think recreational grade could have similar effects?
recreational weed and medical weed are one and the same. the only difference is that medical marijuana is grown legally, and usually grown very well, so they have large buds and high THC counts, which some would say makes it "medical grade". the same strains legal weed growers use are available to illegal weed growers, who can grow just as potent, if not more potent strains of marijuana then the medical growers. of course this requires you to have access to illegal sellers who have access to quality product, a lot of the time the medical marijuana is sold illegally for extra money.
I've not had any medicinal grade yet, as NJ's program has been bogged down for a while. It still is unattainable, but that will change in mid September. The biggest benefit I could see from medicinal grade is that I would know exactly what strain works best for the symptoms, and be able to use that consistently. (In addition, being able to legally use medicine!)
NJ's program is so strict they limit the THC content to 10%. No other state does this. Not a huge deal, as I believe the cannabanoid content is more important for IBD, but still of note.
All the results I've had were with recreational grade, I could only imagine it being better with medicinal.
yeah, I'm going into sophomore year of college as well and will be smoking quite a bit, so I'll find this thread and update you.

I haven't been able to smoke at all this summer since I've been home, and just had the jpouch surgery 4 months ago. However, when I had UC smoking marijuana would always help calm my flares.

I'm glad NJ is going to legalize medical grade. It's about time. Honestly, it should be legal but that's a different topic for a different day on a different site.

Let me know how it goes for you.
I have been a medical marijuana patient in WA state for years. It was my gastroenterologist who signed my recommendation. (There are no "cards," just tamper-proof papers of recommendation, saying you have been counseled.) Its use for cramping, nausea, and spasming in the digestive system are well known. My gastro moved an hour further away, and I make the journey: he not only is on board with my medical decision-making and care, but fully supports the use of MMJ. It is worth the long trip.

WA has not been raided as badly as has CA and CO. I have several good dispensaries available, but stick to one I feel most confidence in. Their product is all tested for THC and cannabanoid levels, and they have a baker who makes incredibly strong medibles. Another excellent product is Rick Simpson oil. It is a long lasting way to take your medicine . . . even tastes like medicine. Worth looking into, and easier to travel with.

Approaching your doctor is often the scariest part of the process. I was pleased when mine was so immediately onboard. My PCP, neurologists, and others are affiliated with university hospitals and won't touch giving an authorziation, even if they support the use. I still ask, and encourage others to ask the doctors who treat them regularly before seeing a MMJ specialist.

You are right . . . limiting the THC content for medical use is just silly. That's like saying no one gets vicodin over 5/500 in strength.

In WA a patient and caretaker can grow for personal use. We would in a heartbeat, but live too close to schools and have students walk down our alley all the time. It would be too risky.

I just wish it worked as well for blockages for me as it does for you, Daniel. I am afraid my next surgery is fast approaching: I have two incisional hernias and a gut full of adhesions and scar tissue, and my surgeon said not to rush to surgery because it will just grow back. They are not real anxious to cut me open for fear of how difficult it will be. Neither am I.

Unfortunately I have some days I am worthless because I am so medicated, between my Rx drugs and MMJ. But after ten years . . . who's counting . . . Frowner
Simplex, I couldn't agree more.
Debra, sorry to hear about the additional surgery, but I am glad it helped you get this far. I know everyone's pouch is different, I believe my blockages are more from narrowess/scar tissue than adhesions (though I think I do have a small amount).
I need to go to a doctor I've never met before, as only a small amount are registered with the state. He's not even a GI, he's a general practitioner, but here's hoping he understands the condition.
I have to say that back in the day I experimented with weed and did notice the difference n the way the pouch worked...and liked those affects. However, I have mixed feelings. Being a parent, I feel that I am the biggest roll model in my kids lives. I cant be a pot smoker! I wish they could harness the good out of this without the other affects. Good luck to all of you
I am also very curious about this topic. It makes a lot of sense to me that there are significant health merits to using marijuana in the management of IBD. The main reason, however, that I haven't pursued it is that I have kids, husband, work, household management, etc. and I need to be "on my game" and not impaired. I rarely drink alcohol anymore - maybe a glass of wine socially at most - and lead a happy, relatively balanced life overall. Nonetheless, I have battled with such persistent pouchitis for over a decade and the Remicade is only helping partway, so I'm ready for more drastic measures. Perm ileostomy is probably in the near future and I'm willing to try last-ditch efforts that make sense to me. Paleo-type diet is helping, but not enough. I've been hearing about medical marijuana use for CD for a long time and it may be time. . .

So, for those of you who have tried it through the legal medical channels, would you please let us know if you feel "under the influence" when you use it? If so, what are the side effects? And do you have to smoke it?

Thank you,
Cataja - my experiences have made me feel the same; I think the wrong substance (alcohol) is legal! And I'm sure any doctor would not mind throwing narcotic pain meds at me, despite their very poor side effects and addictive natures.
Tommy pb - I try not to think of myself as a "pot smoker" - a lot of negative stereotypes are associated. It's medicine, and a damn good one, without the harmful and undesired side effects of so many others (prednisone comes to my mind from personal experience...).
L. Mac - It's very easy to control how much you intake, and many medicinal patients are able to use enough to ease their condition without negatively altering their mental state. For such persistent pouchitis, if I were you, I think it would most certainly be worth a try. It works wonders for inflammation, so I would imagine it being very beneficial towards pouchitis. If you use too much, generally, all that will happen is laziness, hunger, and entertainment from mostly anything. Sleepiness is also possible. A lot of the effects are dependent on the strain. Also, you most certainly do not need to smoke it. You can eat it in edible form (longer lasting, some different effects) or vaporize it (which is essentially a device that uses hot air to heat the marijuana up enough to release the "ingrediants" into the hot air, which you would inhale).
vanessavy - surgeons do know their stuff!

Thanks for the continued feedback on this thread
If anyone is on the fence about smoking weed then I highly recommend trying it a few times at the very least. I discovered the amazing beneficial effects that it had for my ostomy when I first started smoking recreationally several years ago. While my ostomy was great I would occasionally (maybe once every month or two) get some bloating and nausea which weed was quick to help with. I would say that marijuana is much less impairing than alcohol, and definitely less impairing than harder drugs. Weed doesn't affect your athletic ability either. I threw the shotput for four years at my high school and smoked several times a week, as did the fastest runner on the team. Anyone that has yet to try to weed to alleviate their symptoms is missing out and should try it. Times are changing.
While I am definitely pro medical and legalization or decriminalization to use weed "consistently" as the OP does is not something I would do lightly. I think the blockage relief is really interesting and is potentially very useful, thanks for posting that. There are definite side effects from weed observed from my own personal experience and from observing others. Everyone has to determine for themselves if the positive effects of any drug, from benign imodium, to the opium tincture I was taking, to antibiotics and biologics are worth it. It really is unfortunate for the people here who gave up their colons because drugs stopped working or didn't work on their IBD now find the surgery can require drugs to make it function properly.
I think it's benefits have a lot to do with each specific person's pouch, and how their bodies handle it. MickZagger, I saw in one of your recent posts your diet is "seefood." While that certainly made me laugh, I, for one, need to watch everything I eat. Some stuff makes my frequency go up, some causes too much binding, etc.
Chiromancer, I certainly would not call immodium benign, though it is fairly tame as far as medications are concerned. I would not consistently use marijuana if I felt there were a better option. But the way I see it, it is that it is the best treatment I've found, with nothing but good side effects. And your last statement is very true. I believed I would be "maintenance free" with the pouch - that is most definitely not the case! And the same goes for most people here.
Hi Daniel,

I have had my pouch for 20+ years. I have tried many medications (narcotic pain meds, anti depressants, immodium, etc).

I also suffer from chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, depression, sleep problems and other stuff. By far, the best results I have found is from using marijuana. The biggest benefit is for my fibro, I can actually feel the muscle cramping let go, one muscle at a time. There is no better feeling than relief from chronic pain, if only for a little while.

I am glad to hear that it works for you!!

God Bless,
I live in a state where Medical Marijuana is illegal. I think its obvious from my handle which state that is. And with a Republican governor and assembly, I have no hope of a change in that for many years.

I have used pot, and self medicated at certain times. I actually never partook before I discovered that it can help with IBD, Colitis and Crohns symptoms.

Immediately I found it helped calm down flares and help my stool form up when I had bad UC. I stopped well ahead of my surgery and waited a while after my surgery. I again tried it recently and again found that I slept through most of the night and my stool was significantly more formed than it has been. The day after I used it I went about 6 times as compared to the 8-10 I normally experience. I cannot for the life of me understand why America continues to engage in a futile drug war that imprisons people for using something as innocuous and often helpful as marijuana.

I am aware as most should be there are links between high use and sterility as well as a mental fog that usually lifts after some weeks.
In addition there has been found a strong link between adolescent use and decreased mental capability in adulthood- another reason why this should be a legal and taxed substance kept off the streets and in dispensaries.

The prohibition of alcohol also created an underground, violent element that allowed people basically the same access as before, only it was equally illegal for young people to drink it as it was a 40 year old man. The rich stockpiled alcohol and if your not missing the parallels, poor people got caught for making and dispensing alcohol while the rich had no such trouble with their stockpiles. Prohibition serves to make a substance illegal for the poor, while the rich get away with offenses. It also serves to create a criminal element where there need be none. Thousands are dying south of the border as cartels grip the government with corruption. Yet if America were to legalize marijuana, the cartels would have a huge flow of their money cut off and have no need to illegally transport pot across the border in return for huge profits. The violence occurs only because they are trying to secure those profits.

There is quite a lot of research out there that indicates that cannabinoids/marijuana might actually effectively treat IBD but helping to regulate the immune system and decrease inflammation (and not just slow things down and thereby provide symptomatic relief).
Likely the best way to take it would be the oil as opposed to smoking, though I have read a bit about juicing the leaf raw (which apparently has the added benefit of being non psychoactive). Google for more info, it's there and I too am angry that it's not something we will ever be able to try. For those in California or other more liberal states, it's worth a shot if it's within your comfort level.
I was forced to live in a hippie commune as a kid and saw adults doing horrific things while smoking dope. I am very strongly against it based on what I saw. What goes on at the pot farms is not at all innocent. I heartily support legalizing pot so the underground monsters will be out of jobs.
I have a 2o-year-old son who has ulcerative colitis. He has had nausea for ten months and will have inexplicable periods of vomiting up to 14 hours.
We have been to every hospital in the city, had many CT scans, X-rays, colonoscopies, endoscopies, you name it we did it. The only thing that has helped him is pot. It completely stops his nausea. But what does it do to his brain development? I really do not like talking to him after he smokes. He seems really stupid when stoned.
Is there some sort of moderation guideline when using it medicinally? It is so strange to see this smart, highly motivated kid turn into a wasted stoner because of his uc.
I am working very hard to get over my predjudice but it is tough. Any advice would be welcome.
I'd try it in a minute if it were legal and/or I knew where to get it. My kids are even too old to ask their friends as they are lawyers and engineers, etc.

I tried it multiple times during the 70's. I didn't like it. I'd give it a 2nd chance in a minute, especially in a brownie. The problem is it is illegal and I don't know how to obtain it!

Maybe I need to talk my spouse into moving to a legal state.

I did hear somewhere that they can isolate the ingredient in it that helps ill people and therefore you don't have to get high to use it. I don't remember where I read this.

I feel for you as you want help for your son but you don't like the negative effects of it. If I can remember where I read this I will post it.
You can google MM and IBD. There's quite a lot of research being done and it seems to be that eating the oil is more effective in treating the disease than smoking it (which tends to provide symptomatic relief). And then, as Jan said there is the marinol. I've recently come across people juicing the fresh leaf - this apparently is very effective (no research, lots of anecdotes so far) but does not have any psychoactive properties (you have to heat it do get those). Might be worth looking into if you're at all inclined since you are on the West coast and this is all going on in California (the juicing stuff). Good luck to your son.
When I was a college student illegal drugs were prevalent and everywhere and I never had to pay a nickel to get any because there were dealers on my dormitory floor. The drugs of choice were marijuana, cocaine, and hallucinogenic mushrooms.

I tried, but did not particularly care for marijuana. I happened to have it given to me by one of the dealers, with whom I had a friendly relationship. He gave me a very powerful form of marijuana which he called "sensomilia." I suspect it may have been what is now known as Angel Dust. I smoked it in a cigarette and it gave me a sensation of being powerfully high and in addition to that, it made me hallucinate. Specifically, as I lay in my bed in my dorm room, mirrors and pictures on the wall began to move around. I saw other inanimate objects begin to move, as if they had a life of their own. It was freaky and scary to me and I never did it again after that.

I presume marijuana is used medicinally primarily for its pain killing properties. I am not sure what other use it would have for us medicinally.

I think you had MJ laced with Angel Dust. Not that I was a big druggie but they are 2 separate drugs that sometimes were combined. If we are even talking about the same thing!

MJ enhances things like I got into the Music they play during a pro basketball game one time. It was the most amazing thing to me that I'd never noticed it before and it was so great. I think it brought out the supid side of me. Plus it was unlike alcohol. We feel like we are "ok" when drinking - that's why people drink and drive I guess. Anyway, I didn't feel like I had control of anything when I tried MJ.

I saw people in my co-ed dorm, take LSD and they could melt cars and things like DJB is talking about. I remember one guy making a weird noise like "wump" and he'd point at cars saying they just melted. I didn't try LSD. We would just drink to excess and make fun of the druggies. Boy was that a dumb thing to do.
Angel dust is not any form of marijuana. It is PCP (horse tranqilizer). Sinsemilla is a potent form of marijuana (high in resins), but does not contain PCP. It is possible what you smoked was laced with PCP, and that is why you had such awful hallucinations. Maybe that is why you had that connection with Angel Dust. Back in the day I smoked some sinsemilla, and even hash, but never had any hallucinations. Just took less to get high. Although, smoking a whole sinsemilla joint by yourself might cause hallucinations. I never had any marijuana with additives, so I really can't speak from experience.

Jan Smiler
It was my suspicion it was laced with Angel Dust or maybe was just a potent strain. The guy who I got it from was a dealer who lived in my dorm. In my dormitory floor it was a real mix of kids, rich upper class white kids from Fairfield County and inner city black kids from New Haven, Bridgeport and Hartford. I got along much better with the black guys than the other white guys did, (1) because I talked to them like they were regular guys and treated them like I did everyone else, which I do not think a lot of the others did, and (2) we had a common passion for basketball. I helped one of them study because he knew I was the smartest guy on the floor, and in return he offered me the "sensomilia." He told me it was his "best stuff" and would "knock me on my ass". The hallucinations I did not expect but the high it gave me was very, very powerful.
To subzeromambo- I am sorry for what you had to go through during that childhood experience- I simply cannot relate and have to take your word for it. As to your son- the drug will do the same thing to all individuals- moderation is key in preventing total 'stoner mode'. The more and more you smoke in a sitting the stronger 'stoner mode' will be. If it upsets you to a great degree you may have to agree to not be around your son when he medicates. I have been around my dad buzzed off alchohol, but I wouldn't get piss drunk in front of him.

It confuses me if you are concerned about your interaction with him right after he smokes- or he smokes so much he has become a stoner type character. The two are entirely separate. The former cannot be helped, the latter can.

Marinol and the like drugs are interesting leads in the medicinal properties of Marijuana- However, it appears to me there are three groups who do not want Marijuana legalized- the underground element, the private prison system, and the drug companies. They are trying to produce a drug that already exists and charging people for it.
Just FYI, for those of you who would like to experience the medicinal benefits without feeling "high" or having to smoke it... If you get a card and go to a dispensary, you can get a glycerin tincture that comes in a small bottle with an eyedropper. You squirt a dropper-full under your tongue (or two if things are bad - tastes sweet) and hold it there for about thirty seconds before swallowing it, and you get pretty immediate effects. You feel relaxed but not stoned at all; your head stays clear, which I really appreciate. I remember one particular bout of painful cramping from UC where I took a dropperful and felt instant release from the cramping. I occasionally smoke as well, but the tincture is nice because it feels more like a medicine and less like a drug. I used to use it nightly before bed since the relaxation benefit is also good to help you sleep.

I have an MMJ card still for for when I had UC, and now I will be interested to see how MMJ affects things with my J-pouch after my take-down. I had forgotten about it for awhile as I've been focusing on recovery from my first surgery, but now having just come across this thread, I think I'm going to experiment to see how it affects my ostomy since my output is still pretty high and I'm still experiencing a little bit of soreness and occasional pressure with gas. Anything that helps those muscles relax couldn't hurt, right? Need to get another bottle of tincture!
Bootstrap, Thank you for the information on glycerin tincture. It has made a huge difference! It does not seem to affect his intelligence or ability to focus but it stops the nausea and vomiting fast. It also does not stink up the house. He has even started gaining a little weight. He was 120 lbs at 5'10". He has also started rock climbing again. I feel like there is hope.
Jan, Thank you also for your recommendations. We could not find a doctor who would prescribe them. He was given scripts for oxycodone, Valium and Zofran instead.
I confess I was desperate. Watching him wake up every morning with nausea is tough. We have seen five doctors now and had every test possible. No one is exactly sure why this is happening.
Buying the tincture was easy. I just asked for it at a medical marijuana store. Any idea why it is so easy to buy? We don't have a medical card and wasn't asked for one. We live in Oregon.
Hi Guys,
The French Public Health authority just put out the finding on a massive study of long-term use of Marijuana....surprising result. The long term male users had 10xs the incidence of testicular cancer. Yup. One of the rareist types of cancer and it is now directly linked to pot smoking. Second more prevalent side effect was male sterility. Apparently it effect the little guys and they lose motility. Funny enough there were no such side effects mentioned in women.
Just my 2 cents.

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