Step, hang in there! They opened my takedown site due to an infection and it had to heal from the inside out.
IF you are curious, I have a video of my ostomy site healing. I took a picture every day when I changed the dressing and now have a time lapse video of the healing.
Here it is, if you are curious. second what phonix2g said, the body is amazing and pretty much all you have to do is let it do it's thing. Much, much harder to do than say, but it's doable.
For me, I turned the cleaning/gauze packing into a ritual. Nothing was allowed to disturb me for 15 minutes. If the phone rang, I ignored it (I usually turned off the ringer). If the doorbell rang, ignored.
No distractions. Just me and George (named my ostomy "George" and kept the name for the healing - I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George).
Call it mindfullness, meditation, zen, whatever you like, but it worked miracles for me. To have that time where I talked to my wound, told it how great it was doing, thanked my body for healing, etc.
Sure, sounds strange to say it out loud now. . .but it worked wonders for me. Your mileage may vary.