I dont post here often, but i hope you can help me answer my questions regardless.
I had an end ileostomy last year which left my rectum in place, so that later i could have the j-pouch surgery.
My surgeon has suggested that i have the surgery in "one step" (so that i do not have to have another ileostomy).
This is what i wanted as i dont like the ileostomy, its extremely inconvenient especially for a man of my age. (19)
However, i am worried about the risks associated with doing the surgery in this way; especially since i will be going to uni in late september. (my surgery is scheduled june)
I have read up about the increased likelyhood of pouchitis, or increased frequency in general, this sort of thing.
Also as uni life is, well, uni life. What are the chances i will be able to go out with my friends in september/october.
By going out i mean drinking.. i've been to clubs with my ostomy and this is an inconvenience as it is, most male toilets have only one cubicle, which generally doesnt have a lock or is covered in "nasty things" haha.. so i just tend to load up on loperamide and hope i dont have any problems..
i suppose thats all there is to it, any information you have at all would be helpful, as tbh most of the websites and people i have spoken to in the past dont mention much for young people at all, which in my opinion is just ignorant and unhelpful..
Thank you.
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