I had my pouch surgery 27 years ago and it's been a good run - very few bouts of pouchitis or issues. Now as I age I'm experiencing leakage at night and I don't seem to be digesting things as fully as before. Also, gassier in the past three years or so. Has anyone else been experiencing this with age or should I go through the hoops of finding out if there's a root cause? (I use Benefiber to keep my shit together.)
It's hard to tell with the myriad of things that menopause brings whether or not this is a pouch thing or a hormone thing or an aging thing and quite frankly if I'm going to go to a GI I need to know it's going to end up somewhere good because I can't take all the poking, prodding and speculating that usually ends with me holding a prescription that does more harm than good.