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I've been fighting off a pretty nasty cold this week and feeling like crap. Unfortunately, I have a planned trip to Ottawa this weekend that I can't postpone. A pharmacist actually recommended I take oil of oregano. I haven't purchased any yet, but I did some research and found out that it may also have properties beneficial to the GI tract, so it may not be a bad idea.

Anybody take oil of oregano? Any side effects? Positive or otherwise? Most importantly, if you took it for a cold, did it help?

Last edited by Spooky
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I take it quite frequently and for different purposes - usually when I think a cold is coming on (but also for athletes foot). I find it helpful and have not experienced any negative effects, except perhaps smelling like an oregano factory.

If you are using the bottles with droppers and a high concentration of carvacrol (75% or so), then you need to be careful taking it orally as it can make your mouth feel like it has been set aflame. I normally take a gulp of water and hold it in my mouth as I squeeze however many drops I think I need. This dilutes the oil and makes the process a breeze.

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