My daughter had a strictureplasty surgery, emergency for a complete blockage in Jan. Within 6 weeks she started with extreme abdominal pain, she has been suffering with all along. She had a regular sigmoidoscopy, j pouch and small intestines looked good, then a double balloon enterscopy, dr went up 130cm, all looked good. Then she had a small bowel series with barium and the only thing that looked odd to the radiologist was the area that where the strictureplasty had just been done. She could not function on the anticholergenic drugs or pain killers so she started biofeedback and then PT and massage hoping to feel better. She has also been on the FODMAP diet going on 3 weeks now. She still feels like her intestines is being twisted and the past few days the pain has been very bad. She is scheduled 7/16 for a scope first and then a possible lapro to cut adhesions and apply seprafilm. We hope that it is adhesions. She is on edge about all this and REALLY needs a break.
Can anyone relate? Thanks for listening...
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