Hi Everyone:
I apologize in advance for the graphicness of this post. :-)
So--two years ago, I had adhesion removal surgery followed by a sphincterotomy (after 4 attempts to dilate). Back when I had the sphincterotomy---I was having to strain to the use the bathroom and it was painful, like glass shards. Ive been doing really well since until about a month ago.
Recently (for about a month), I have been constipated to the point that I push---nothing comes---but then all of a sudden, it will explode out and I will feel like I am empty. (Sorry, TMI!). Other times, it will feel a dire need to go to the bathroom---will try to--it won't come--and then finally after sitting on the toilet for a long time--some comes, but I'm not empty. It is not painful or have that glass shard feeling. But it definitely feels off and it's always a bad sign when one has to "push."
Does this sound like anything? A sphincter issue? Bowel adhesion? Pouchitis? I've had my J pouch since 1998.
Thanks a ton in advance for your advice!
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