I am looking for feedback from those that may have had the same issues. In Nov 2014 I had my entire colon and rectum removed due to colon cancer and after dealing with active UC for much of my life. I am now 63 and was diagnosed when I was 32. A j pouch was created and my takedown was done April 1st. Mid May my gallbladder got infected and had to be removed. Now on a very restricted diet and dealing with frequency and consistency. Many times I awake through the night with crap in my depends. I have a lot of pain in my anal area a little too high up to treat topically.It feels like there are razor blades up there and every time I go I want to scream! I do cry a lot. I don't want to give up on the pouch but cant take this pain much longer. Please, any one with similar experience, HELP!!! Judy K
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