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Yeah, me, again!

Well, as I was watching TV today my incision was really itchy, so, naturally, I began to scratch. I had my staples taken out yesterday and the skin is really dry, so I thought nothing of it, until I looked down a saw blood. The top three or so inches of my incision just popped right open, right along the incision line. It's not very deep, so I just irrigated with sterile saline, and placed a loose dressing until my home care nurse sees it tomorrow, but it's got me wondering, will it ever heal? That same area has been cut open seven times now, so it's scar tissue healing over scar tissue, healing over, well, you get the idea. I believe that once too much scar tissue has built up, it can no longer effectively heal, think there's any truth in this little theory of mine? I hope I'm wrong, I would like to stop bleeding at some point in my life! And, my home care nurse also discovered a small opening under my stoma that just won't close, it will not heal to my skin, wonder what's going on here, anyone? Next surgery I have, I'm having a zipper installed to save us all the trouble!

Eric Eeker
Original Post
I like he zipper idea, Eric! But seriously, it sounds as if you have a minor dehiscence (wound separation) going on. It is pretty common. You've done the right thing to care for it. Some of us re just lousy healers. I've yet to have an incision that heals like in the textbooks. Even my c-section unzipped. Makes for a less han atractive scar, but it heals.

You should be fine.

Jan Smiler

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