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i hear a lot of people say they dont go out at night because of needing to use the rest rooms either public or at friends houses. im using them anywhere anytime. i here people exploding in bathrooms all the time and have friends that have tore up my bathroom. why should we be any different and if your worried about odor a pepto caplet every morning solves the problem...
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I've seen a lot of people post pretty much the same thing you did here. None the less the fact that similar threads keep popping up here, is all the proof in the world, that as much as people might deny it, they're still worried about the embarrassment their J Pouch might bring them while going out at night or when ever. I know I certainly am Frowner
I was far more embarrassed to go anywhere with UC than I am now. Back in the bad old days, things kinda just exploded out and made a horrible mess of everyone's toilets. I only ever wanted to the houses of my very best friends, since I knew they'd understand. Now though, things come out pretty solid, so there's no more mess than anyone else would make. As for noise, if someone knows I'm in a bathroom, then they know what I'm there for. I shall make no apologies for my slightly altered bodily functions.

Getting back to the topic of the thread here, I go out whenever. I generally don't really like using public restrooms (never did) but I usually don't have to depending on when I go out.
man your glass is definitely half empty. you jump on every possible opportunity to say "see i told ya so"... im not! i plan on poopin up a storm. a good poop never stopped me from going out before.

Sorry Tom, I'm just going by my name here and posting my honest feelings about the subject. After all these years (24 to be exact) there's just no way of getting around my pouch and the discomfort and embarrassment it brings. Frowner
im so sorry to hear that but cant you tell some of us are brand new and suffering severe anxiety and depression and were looking for hope? im trying so hard to stay positive and im asking for your help. thanks honesty Smiler id rather hear what youve done to make things better and maybe you have on other threads but lately every time i reach out youre there to crush my hopes. were all fighting a tough battle and need each other for support. you have every right to speak your mind im just asking that you keep in mind were brand new and hopeful like you were 24 years ago. id really like to hear what youve done are doing and will do in the future to make your life easier. you could be a wealth of knowledge to many out there...
Tom, I'm pretty sure honesty up there is just what's his face back for more trolling action. You'll be fine, just give it some time. I felt pretty crappy for the first couple months after takedown. Month 3 was better, but still not great. Around August (month 5) I finally started feeling good again. Now, at 7 months out I feel more or less like my old self again. Some things could still use a bit of improvement, but these things take time.
thanks brother. i figured it was whats his name. i bet hes got a colon and just gets off on trolling various forums. lol.

I just tell the honest to God truth here, and refrain from personal attacks. If that makes me a "troll" then we can consider the United States of America to be nothing but a giant troll too Frowner
i had to do some research because i didn't quite get the motives.

Honesty... look for love in the real world, not in cyberspace.... it will only disappoint you.... god/whatever-higher-power-you-believe-in bless you Smiler


The Sad Truths of Internet Trolls:

Trolls are immune to criticism and logical arguments. True trolls cannot be reasoned with, regardless of how sound your logical argument is. Trolls do not feel remorse like you and me. They have sociopathic tendencies, and accordingly, they delight in other people having hurt or confused feelings.
- Trolls consider themselves separate from the social order.
- Trolls gain energy by you insulting them.
- Trolls gain energy when you get angry.
- The only way to deal with a troll is to ignore him, or take away his ability to post online.

Why Do People Enjoy Being Internet Trolls?

It is a kind of power rush or ego trip to be a troll. Being online is a place that is largely free of perceived consequences. An insecure person can get a sense of power online, without ever having to face someone directly. With the Internet being a world of imagination and fantasy for some, cowardly users can forge an alter ego for themselves, and act out their feelings of anger and inadequacy. It's sad and unfortunate that our advanced communications also brings out the darker side of many people. You cannot win with a troll. Publicly retaliating against them just fuels their childish need for attention.
oh yeah... and i go out at night now (4 months out). But I didn't feel comfortable leaving the house at night until around month 3. So Epic's timeline seems about right...

Yes, I get uncomfortable sometimes going out at night and have to excuse myself to use the restroom a couple times. But my friends could care less, and I refuse to give up my social life!!!
Tom -- remember what I told you about that ignore button. Trust me when I tell you it's best to utilize it. Don't waste your breath or energy trying to make sense of the senseless.

I go out all the time, whenever/whereever I chose. I have never allowed any physical issue to hold me back. You will figure this all out, Tom. Don't overwhelm yourself with 'what-if's", or allow anyone else to get to you with constant negativity.
Tom -- remember what I told you about that ignore button. Trust me when I tell you it's best to utilize it. Don't waste your breath or energy trying to make sense of the senseless.

I go out all the time, whenever/whereever I chose. I have never allowed any physical issue to hold me back. You will figure this all out, Tom. Don't overwhelm yourself with 'what-if's", or allow anyone else to get to you with constant negativity.

i am giving my focus to people like you not letting doom n gloomers phase me. thank you Smiler
i am giving my focus to people like you not letting doom n gloomers phase me. thank you Smiler

As I said before Thomas, if there was no real problem with going out with a J Pouch, you and countless others would have never came here and posted threads of this manner to begin with. The truth is the only one you're fooling is yourself. I myself, agree how embarrassing it can be to to out with a J Pouch. It sucks but at least I'm honest with myself about the whole subject.

why would you join a support group strictly to discourage people? it's like you get a high out of seeing other people suffer. if you are having issues why don't you start your own thread so that people with solutions can SUPPORT you. trolling this website with the sole purpose of making other people feel worst about an already difficult situation is disgraceful and you should be ashamed!
New2thisstuff, it's not going to do any of us any good here if we just run and hide under a blanket. We've got to be honest with each other here or else all we'll wind up doing is running around in circles here. In fact, what I see in this thread alone proves my point, it's nothing but the same old, same old. Let's be honest already about how it's no joy going out with a J Pouch. I myself hate it, and basically refrain from eating as much as I can. In fact a few weeks ago I had a bad experience out in Chicago's Loop, where restrooms for the public are basically non-existent. Frowner

why would you join a support group strictly to discourage people? it's like you get a high out of seeing other people suffer. if you are having issues why don't you start your own thread so that people with solutions can SUPPORT you. trolling this website with the sole purpose of making other people feel worst about an already difficult situation is disgraceful and you should be ashamed!

good for you new2thisstuff. i have 2 friends with j-pouches. one from uc and one from polyps and they are always out all night having a great time. they convinced me even though i had no choice cause my colon was rotting. honesty, i reject your belief that anyone here made your point for you. in fact they made my point. youre no longer worth my energy. lol. ask for help offer help or youve confirmed everything new2thisstuff said. i already know that outcome but i just challenged you. step up or step down. peace to all. im already diggin my j-pouch 4 weeks out even with my struggles. im now more hopeful than ever cause there are so few who behave like honesty. even those troubled are really cool people and add to this great site. hats off to you all...
I will admit sometimes going out to dinner and such can be a pain because usually after dinner I have to go to the bathroom and I really hate public restrooms. BUT i don't let that stop me from enjoying myself. So I have to use the bathroom ... So what. So do people with colons! Most of the time I can hold it until I get home anyway. Smiler
I will admit sometimes going out to dinner and such can be a pain because usually after dinner I have to go to the bathroom and I really hate public restrooms. BUT i don't let that stop me from enjoying myself. So I have to use the bathroom ... So what. So do people with colons! Most of the time I can hold it until I get home anyway.

Ditto! I feel basically the same way you do Marianne. And believe me some restrooms I fear more than others too. Take for example the restrooms in Wrigley Field, which in a recent survey were voted the dirtiest in Major League Baseball. I can't put up with them. Thankfully I have no love for the Cubs or their stadium. On rare occasions, I might go to see the Cardinals play there. I've refrained from doing that for years though. I just wish they'd keep that place cleaner.

Just because you are struggling in one area with your jpouch does not mean that everyone is. People are looking for answers and if you don't have them it would be better to let someone else reply to the problem with a solution rather than just expanding on the problem by saying "there is no solution and you are going to suffer forever!" If you have given up and lost all hope in life I am truly sorry but I will choose to remain positive and continue to look for answers rather than just throw the towel in. Get busy living or get busy dying!
Is it just me, but really, are we so weirded out by bathrooms that some of us become shut-ins? You'd think that after living with UC, we could get a grip and just deal with it. Anyone who has been camping has to learn to "get over it."

I guess I am being insensitive, but I certainly cannot let needing to use the restroom after a meal keep me home. After two weeks in Italy, I feel energized, not bummed!! I love going places, day or night! So what if there is a dirty restroom? How would that be different if you did not have a j-pouch? I'd still have to pee in that toilet...

Jan Big Grin
I had no idea I was fooling myself. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I guess I'll just have to resign myself to a lonely, sheltered existence as I sit at home and ponder what could have been...

Oh wait, no, the opposite of that. Yeah, that sounds about right. Replace "sit at home" with "once I'm out the door in the morning, I'm usually not back home until 8 or 9 pm" and we're a little more on track. We can probably just toss lonely out of the sentence altogether and sheltered too, while we're at it. So let's reconstruct that sentence up there:

I guess I'll just have to resign myself to having a life again. Yeah, that sounds about right.

We'll all find our own truth at the end of the day. If things weren't working out for me, I probably wouldn't be back into martial arts. It's hard to fool yourself when your on the ground trying to get out of a choke-hold.

Honesty, if you really are having all of the problems, I'm sorry. However, imposing those problems on others (especially people who need some encouragement) is just spiteful and malicious. It's perfectly find to tell people things might not work out...

That's right folks, things may not work out in the long run. I won't deny this fact. Sometimes things just go wrong.

...but to assure people that things WILL go wrong is a completely different matter. If you've nothing constructive to add to the conversation that this forum comprises, perhaps you could find a new hobby to occupy your free time.

Trolls regenerate when you attack them, so you have to light them on fire. So says Dungeons & Dragons... Good lord, I'm a dork.
Sorry, didn't intend to poke fun at germophobes and OCD types. Takes all types to make this world, and germophobes abound.

It is just hard to wrap my mind around the impracticality of it all, particularly in the presence of bowel disease. I suppose all sorts of folks shut themselves in because of it. But, really, it IS an issue of the phobia, not the j-pouch. My big fear is not the dirty is the NO toilet!! With three UCers in my home, we make sure there are toilets where ever we go!

Jan Smiler

please for your own sake and well being, make a decision to your pouch reversed as others have done on this board. Why be so miserable?

I don't let my J-Pouch stop me from doing things at all if I want to go out. I admit, I don't like going out when I have pouchitis but since that is an infection, I am sure many others who have other infections not related to their bowels would stay home too.

Sunday, my brother and I went to MetLife Stadium to see the Giants beat the Redskins. It was great. I had no choice to use the restroom there after I had to eat lunch. Was the restroom gross? Yes. But why should I stop living my life to do things I want to do.

If I still had UC and it was flaring up big time, I would never even consider going to a Giants game. However, I have been to Yankee games and Giant games with UC when it wasn't so difficult. If it was, I don't remember.
I agree with you Jan. I guess I'm a bit of a germaphobe! I have always hated public restrooms and that goes back to before the UC days. Hey, ya gotta go, ya gotta go! Smiler
I respect your feelings there Marianne. Public restrooms can be very dirty places. We all know how gas station restrooms have earned their place in infamy. Long ago when I worked at a full service gas station. I was glad I didn't need to use it then. In fact now I know just how lucky I was back in those days. And after all the hell I've been through, I don't take my health for granted anymore.
I hope my pouch and I make it 20 years. I'm already a grandma. If I could improve my life with an ostomy I'd get it. I wish I'd had the surgeries years before I did.

Thanks to everyone here for helping me the last 21 months. I'm glad I don't have to do those again! I have much better control than I had before the surgeries.
Which every toilet I am on, wherever it is, I just let rip. I don't care who hears and that I usually have to clear up afterwards. It is a celebration to me that I can hold on long enough to choose which toilet I go to, actually make it to the toilet in time and don't poop my pants and the best part is that it is now just a plumming function rather than a trauma because the whole process of going whilst I had UC usually involved going continually for an hour and having to lie down as I felt so nauseaous and faint!!

Posted October 24, 2012 08:15 PM Hide Post
Love it.

I will add to it from the Wizard of Oz.

Ding Dong the Troll is Gone,
The Troll is Gone, the Wicked Troll,
Ding Done the Wicked Troll is Gone.

Then you all can sing the rest.

I don't understand why you love attacking other posters here Rocket? As you obviously are right here Frowner This support board has turned into a vicious mob board, who discriminate against others with a different point of view. Hmmm I wonder where I've seen that before? Taliban attack others with a different point of view

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