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Hi All, I'm a CC Cancer survivor with J-Pouch since 2011.  I've always had to take medicines to help me not have so many BM's and Loose BM's.  Every since my last colonoscopy in February (NED),  it seems to have changed.  Now I'm having trouble evacuting.  I will sit and push for an hour or more and only evacuate a small amount.  They are not hard BM's, in fact they are ribbon like (flat, not round).  I have several hernia's, so am very concerned with all this pushing.  It's getting worse and worse.  I normally have at least one very long BM event (sometimes 2), to totally get pouch to empty.   It started recently with a day of not going at all, then it was a real chore to even get some out.  Then 2 days. Now it's been 4 days since I've had a BM.  I'm so uncomfortable with distention, especially in the upper abdomen from under breast to belly button.  Has anyone had problems like this and did you figure out what was causing them, and what helped?  Appreciate any input. Thanks. PS.  I just put a call in to my Gastro Dr.


Original Post

I'm glad you called your doctor, as it sounds like you are obstructed. Hopefully it is just too much slowing and fiber, and a good cleanout is all you need. Some of us develop an anal stricture over time, and your doctor can easily tell is a finger cannot pass through your suture area inside. You could also have issues higher up. Gopefully, you've stopped any bowel slowers and fiber and increased your fluids in the meantime.


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